They even pushed the release date by a month.
Can't wait for this game.
Resident Evil 6 Is Looking Good
posted on 12/4/12
My favourite will always be RE 3: Nemesis on the old PS1.
The rest were ok apart from RE 4 which was brilliant. This one looks like its taking away from the gore and introducing a solid plot. Looks interesting.
posted on 13/4/12
Resident evil 2 for me
posted on 13/4/12
Worst game that has anything to do with Resident Evil has to be Operation Raccoon City....very bad game
posted on 13/4/12
RtM was that the one that split into 2 discs? One were you played as a guy and the other as the girl?
posted on 13/4/12
posted on 13/4/12
I never completed that game for some reason.
posted on 13/4/12
posted on 14/4/12
Operation Raccoon City got shocking reviews.
Resident Evil 2 I heard was class. Always wanted to play it when I was kid. Just couldn't grow any balls whenever the game was placed in front of me.
Resident Evil 4 was my favourite.