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Promotion next year ?

Anyone else of the opinion that all this - jobs on the line/numbers out of contract/next few games/opportunity via the poffs still there etc talk, is more softening up the fans for the excuses to come, along with how wonderful we will be next year etc rather than geeing up the "playas" for the poffs ???

comment by Jacko ~ (U4503)

posted on 14/4/12

Should Jamie McCombe be renamed Jonah McCombe....

Article in local rag says he's missed out in all SIX play-offs he's been involved in... that's not very encouraging.

However, it may be lucky 7 this time, and also lucky 3rd time for Town...

Is this an Omen....Will Damien be playing....

comment by 38YEARS (U5913)

posted on 14/4/12

you may use stats to try and mystify all and sundry as to why town are brilliant and yet still stuck in the same league..
but please listen again::::::

oggy stated on radio that he had spoken to members of the board in relation to a number of a first team squad being on £10,000 a week and more in some cases..


NOW THEN:::::::

Oggy stated that clibbens and others refused point blank to admit the above but would not, when pushed very hard, DENY THE FACT....

As Oggy stated it woulod bear out when the accounts were publsihed...and my word it has..

Mirf, live in your cocooned retirement home, use stats to cover the sh-te, but the facts are we have massiveley overpaid a load of underachievers being amanged by a serial underachiever..

posted on 14/4/12

Just as well that Jonah won't be involved in this one then Jacko. Tells me more about the useless tower of sht than lucky or unlucky though.

comment by Jacko ~ (U4503)

posted on 14/4/12

I'd expect the £10k p/w brigade (which is £0.5m pa....!!!) to include...Naysmith, Johnson, Alan Lee, Joey G, poss Bennett, maybe Ward,

It's a ludicrous amount of money..and of course lee Clark was on top whack too, as will Grayson be...

Even £1,000 pw is over £50k p/yr...which is more than 90% of Towns supporters are on I expect.. but I'm only speculating, and they don't reveal these figures in the accounts do they..?

posted on 14/4/12

Makes me laugh me head off when folk moan about how much players earn. Like they should say "No thanks, its not fair". They're just everyday humans - they are just lucky bstrds cause they get paid bucket loads for doing something they enjoy. Best of luck to 'em.

At the end of the day - its are own fecking fault for pitching up every week and paying through the nose to watch 'em.

comment by 38YEARS (U5913)

posted on 14/4/12

no they dont jacko..not specific players wages.. but no one at the club has ever denied it...clark used to bang on about how we all believed his players were on a lot more than they were etc.. it was merely him trying desperately to cover up the lack of progress.. He got them so far and couldnt get that extra bit.. no matter how much money we threw at him and it..

the players will all know who is on what, the top earners mates in the game will know what they are on and nobody has ever come out and made any type of denial etc..

its good business by hoyle in the case of pilkington, peltier and smithies and rhodes..it ties them up to the club and increases their transfer fees to some tune..
but joey, alan lee and others its a lot of money and if we dont get the advantage on the pitch then its wasted..

comment by 38YEARS (U5913)

posted on 14/4/12

football is "eating itself"....the greed and the agents etc are going to kill off large sections of it..
Some dont expect much from someone earning 10 grand week, thats how daft its got , this is the 3rd division and some of the play I have watched wouldnt have graced a pub team game on a sunday morning on a pitch where you can either play with the "tide" or up the side of the mountain "first"..

Someone, somewhere, has to get a grip on this or we will lose the lower leagues all together... They simply cant expect enough people to keep paying silly money to watch, very, very ordinary(at best) footballers playing this rubbish, whilst earmning silly money..Its an accident waiting to happen.. Watching town at the moment is like watching a car crash in slow motion, you know its going to be sh-tty, you can see it happening in front of you, you know whats coming next, but you cant stop it... Cant be allowed to just go on..

comment by Jacko ~ (U4503)

posted on 14/4/12

Eggnob...I don't blame the players, I blame the club...or football in general...for allowing themselves to be sucked into this confidence trick by agents. It's like the bloomin Bankers, they say they need £10m bonus because they are on a 'world stage' and would go and make their losses in Botswana if they paid more....

It's not as though any of the clubs can afford these wages...how many make any profit...? The contracts of £250,000 per WEEK are crazy..that's a £m a month...can you imagine getting your payslip with that sort of gross pay on it each month...?? Jeez..

Of course it isn't sustainable, everybody knows that, and it's only a matter of time before it all comes crashing down, which it surely will.

Who was it said Income £1, expenditure 99p = happiness...Income £1, expenditure £1.01 = misery...

posted on 14/4/12

From the BBC NEWS Website 3.4.2012

One in five clubs in the English Football League is in "poor financial health", according to a survey by administrators Begbies Traynor.

The company is overseeing the administration of Port Vale, the latest in a list of clubs including Portsmouth who are in trouble.

"Many clubs are continuing to spend too much, principally on players' wages, as they always have done," it said.

The survey did not include any teams in the Premier League.

Of 68 teams surveyed in those divisions, 13 have signs of distress such as serious court actions against them, including winding-up petitions, late filing of accounts and "serious" negative balances on their balance sheets.

That 19% compares to just 1% in the wider economy, the firm said.

"While Premier League clubs are guaranteed huge television money every year and some have extremely wealthy backers, there are signs of genuine financial distress among a significant number of football league clubs," said Gerald Krasner, a partner at Begbies Traynor.

"The sales of season tickets for next season, many of which are paid for during April and May, could provide some short-term relief for struggling clubs, but it won't solve the underlying problems."

The financially distressed clubs include three in the Championship, six in League One and four in League Two.

Mr. Micawber in Charles Dickens’ novel, ‘David Copperfield’ expounded the ‘Micawber Principle’, based upon his observations, as follows... "Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen pounds nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery."

Of course he was talking about proper pounds, shillings and pence, not this modern decimal rubbish!

comment by Jacko ~ (U4503)

posted on 14/4/12

Nice one Capt. The days when footballers could 'turn on a tanner'...

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