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Victor Moses!!

What is this lad doing at Wigan sign him up! People go on about how great Chamberlin is etc but actually all the talk should be about this young guy!

He ran tirelessly through out the 90 minute tonight, tracked back on almost every occasion and is great with the ball at his feet, Kenny or whoever will be manager come the summer please sign him up. He fits the FSG criteria and will be taken by another big club in the next few years so lets get him while he's available! As long as its no more than £15m!

posted on 16/4/12

Just out of curiosity anyone know if he's English? If he is that will be a even bigger positive for Kenny!

posted on 16/4/12

He's not top quality, but we must accept we won't be getting top quality players this summer. He will take us in the right direction though.

posted on 16/4/12

comment by neoliverpool (U9135)
posted 19 minutes ago
I'll repeat what I said elsewhere. United gambled on Valencia from Wigan and what a player he is now. We should try do the same.

Valencia was by far Wigans best player and they were pretty much a 1 man team when he was there.


posted on 17/4/12

Wrote an article about him and a few others only a few weeks ago, hes raw but could be dynamite. To me he is a player with a definate big future.

posted on 17/4/12

I'm on the fence with this one

posted on 17/4/12

He's got potential, wouldn't mind if we signed him, as long as it isn't for a outrageous fee.

But one question, where was he (or the entire Wigan team for that matter) most of the season?

posted on 17/4/12

1man - bet that chaffes a bit!!!!

As with others we have bought with potential (hendo, Carroll) I am sceptical! But as long as we don't pay over the odds like we have with the players mentioned I am all for these exciting prospects!

Imagine tho hoillet on one wing moses on downing on the other then Moses coming off the bench!!! All creating and feeding luis and cavani...... Ok ok I'm getting carried away! Naughty KFF !
Wud be tho

posted on 17/4/12

* hoillet on one wing, downing on other
It's too early

posted on 17/4/12

Most dribble attempt in the league.

Without a doubt the worst amd most selfish decision maker I have seen in years. Bad attitude, does not play for the team and is a moody Sterling.

posted on 17/4/12

He's got no end product. No thanks

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