Hi all,
Im looking to buy old wrestling dvd's, like 2000-2003? alot of the main events like no mercy, no way out etc are still £15+!!
Any help would be great
Classic DVD's
posted on 17/4/12
just look on extra torrent or pirate pay.
failing that type in wrestling torrents on google.
some sites you have to register on but dont cost anything.
i downloaded all the wrestlemanias, survivor series, SS and royal rumbles a few months back.
you can pretty much get anything on them.
posted on 17/4/12
awesome! thanks
posted on 17/4/12
no worries dude
posted on 17/4/12
any ppv in 2000 are unreal, watching back at them and the standard of them in comparison to today is astonishing.
in 2001
royal rumble
king of the ring
survivor series
judgement day
survivor series
no way out
posted on 17/4/12
May have Backlash 2002 lying around somewhere
posted on 18/4/12
Yea, Wrestlemania that year was quality with the fatal 4 way
posted on 18/4/12
2000 was just the best year for wwf/e period
posted on 18/4/12
im more of a late 80's early 90's man myself.
posted on 19/4/12
if you want 2000 pay per views you have to watch fully loaded!!!!!!!
Taker vs Angle
HHH vs Jericho in a last man standing match
Rock vs Benoit
posted on 19/4/12
to me sir digby full loaded was one of the weaker ppv's which shows how amazing 2000 was,
judgement day 2000 to me was the best ppv i have ever seen, the crowd, the matches, the iron man match, undertakers return, the screwjob at the end, had everything to be honest