Anyone bought anything good recently?
Downloaded Fez and Trials Evolution in the last week. 2 brilliant games. Especially Trials.
Last big buy was Mass Effect 3. Great game, but the last 15 minutes just completely ruined it for me. And having to play the horrible multiplayer in order to get a better ending in the single player was a poor decision.
Recent Purchases
posted on 19/4/12
Loved ME3. Don't see why so many people are upset with the ending. Thought it was great myself.
The Witcher 2 is next for me. Going to pick it up tomorrow
posted on 19/4/12
Having played ME 1,2 and 3 for a total of about 90hrs, I just thought the ending was a disappontment. It wasn't a triumphant ending, it wasn't an emotional ending, it was just big explosions then the credits rolled.
I wouldn't go as far as petitioning Bioware to change it though. Lol
Reminded me of Lost, although I actually liked Lost.
Liked the look of The Witcher 2, but it seems similar to DragonAge which I didn't enjoy. Awful combat.
What's the script in it?
posted on 19/4/12
Got the wit her 2 yesterday. Combat tricky to get to grips with but just starting to get the hang of it now
posted on 19/4/12
I meant Witcher
posted on 20/4/12
Oh great give me your thoughts on it when you've got the time
posted on 20/4/12
Apparently it isn't a button masher and strategy and tactics come into play when fighting. Positioning and such. I've heard the fighting is actually very deep as well.
posted on 21/4/12
is SOCOM 4 good?