that NITB and Tenez have finally found a home where they can freely badmouth one of the greats of the game.
Been having a whale of time this morning reading your posts about how you made 606v2. (Where is a laughing hysterically smiley when you need it). If by that you mean you made it a vicious place to visit, then I agree.
Enjoy yourselves here ranting about Nadal's crimes against humanity. 606v2 will be a much more pleasant place to visit now.
I Think It's Great.....
posted on 24/4/12
"Those who would PM Gav and threaten to leave the forum if some posters aren't banned. "
Lowest of the low....
posted on 24/4/12
But what really surprised me is that there was hardly any bad spirit upfront. We all conversed in a civilised way...I thought. And then to hear that Gav, 14 wussies as you call them AND the other founders hated me (Gav nourished a special hatred to NITB I understand) really bizarre when you consider that all the smarter posters really enjoyed the tennis forum.
Very disappointed by HE who was clearly 2 faced. NITB, you were right on that one.
posted on 24/4/12
I'm always right , Tenez!
I wish this was not a PC world....oh to spill a few beans now and then
posted on 26/4/12
How sweet. You two are adorable sitting here together in your little corner of cyberspace laying into Rafa
posted on 26/4/12
"How sweet. You two are adorable sitting here together in your little corner of cyberspace laying into Rafa'
of course, he's the death of tennis and we love tennis, so we don't want it to die.
posted on 1/5/12
Was wondering when you two would get on to PEDS. Surprised it took this long.
Something is bothering me. Seeing as how you two 'made' v2, this forum is just the two of you regurgitating the same old drivel, with the odd input from one or two other Nadal bashers, and one or two (like me) who come here occassionally for the factor. In fact, this place has turned into something you described when you first came here (and laughed about I might add) - one poster and his friend
posted on 1/5/12
Death of tennis.
posted on 1/5/12
Saviour of tennis.
posted on 1/5/12
Wait we are talking about Bogdanovic here, right?
posted on 1/5/12
Look NITB,
Just wanted to say I apologise for getting slightly annoyed with you a few days ago.
I recognise that you have interesting opinions and you, like me, follow tennis a lot.
As well as this you do have views which are seen as 'extreme' by many, no doubt about that, but I think that's fine as long as the opinions are substantiated.
Nevertheless, if I may add, sometimes it can be quite repetitive. Many of us have understood that you find a player the 'death of tennis'; but I don't see how repeating it again and again changes (or adds to) anything. I am not a big fan of Djokovic but I don't keep on repeating it.
I do however realise that not all posters can be perfect. For example I do get irritated easily when I feel Nadal is being unfairly attacked or abused, but what can I do, I am a big fan. In future I will change my ways, and get less annoyed if someone 'bashes' Nadal as they say. At the end of the day we are all allowed our opinions.
However it would also be great if you followed my advice, as I believe you are a good poster, and would be even better if you were less repetitive in portraying your views.
Thanks Amritia3ee