Morning all. I've been browsing the site since it started, but this is my first article, so go easy.
I, like most, am beyong gutted (if not entirely surprised) by our emphatic capitulation of late.
The tactical shortcomings and lame excuses are there for all to see.
So why have I not come across one mainstream media article questioning Harry?
Even the glaring contradictions he offers - only one fit striker, no defensive or wide cover - go completely unchallenged.
He's in for a hell of a shock if he thinks he'll get that kind of leniancy in his next job....
Harry and the media
posted on 23/4/12
Last Pre-Season we took our Transfer Window Shop to South Africa, they played so poorly no one wanted to buy any of them!
posted on 23/4/12
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posted on 23/4/12
I wasn't going to watch the Euros because i cant stand International Football but if Harry is taking the team i might watch it and cheer every goal against us
posted on 23/4/12
I'd go British any day of the week
Agree with the sentiment, but we need someone who will get instant respect from our senior players. And help attract foreign quality. I'm going to keep backing Hoddle, although I am aware he has his flaws.
As long as they can communicate, I see no issue with a foreign manager, though. What about that Capello chap?
posted on 23/4/12
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posted on 23/4/12
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posted on 23/4/12
Agree with the sentiment, but we need someone who will get instant respect from our senior players
I think this is the problem actually, Harry can only communicate with the older players and seems to only feel comfortable around them, which is why he has alienated so many of our younger players. I would like a manager who can work with ALL ages
And as for our senior players, i hope come August we have very few of them.
posted on 23/4/12
Capello ...........
posted on 23/4/12
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posted on 23/4/12
Bienvenuto mate, although I'll be saying Adios soon (will detail an article why later).
You make very good points on your post. We can see his inconsistency in EVERY interview he does after our recent run yet nobody challenges the carp he spouts. Excellent point on the 'lack of wide cover' - whose cnuting fault is it that you never even played Krancjar when u had the chance and why did you send Pienaar and Townsend on loan or use Rose. We have a huge squad and he talks about no cover