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Doom Merchants

I really hope some 'supporters' are ashamed how they acted at 3-0 down...

I recon the performance was brilliant at the start and finish, and yet again it was just bad luck we didn't at least get extra time over the aggregate score, or even a winner the amount of times we hit the post and their one went in.

Keep Right On.

posted on 10/5/12

I agree ed. Throwing things at the keeper, who was only doing what any keeper would have done (taking his time) in that situation. If Blackoool fans had done that to ours, we would have been up in arms.

Well done to Blackpool, for creating a mountain for us to climb, even though we almost climbed it! it was a case of not enough time in the end. Our only consolation, we only lost one game at home all season. A great achiement in itself.

posted on 10/5/12

It was a bit of a bridge too far, but what a season.
I would be happy to see the likes of WHU back in the PL rather than Blackpool, though if they get there they will deserve it in many repects, and fair play to them for countering our play.
However, when you look at the points difference someone somewhere has to start rethinking whether the playoffs are a benefit or not.
That isn't to say i wouldn't have take a shot at the final or been delighted had we succeeded but in the financial strains that are now on clubs [self-inflicted that they are], the potential for clubs now going out of business because they haven't 'succeeded' in getting in/back to the PL is becoming too much and ultimately it will be the fans who suffer if the team goes out of business.
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst!

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