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does this mean ramsey is going to start on sunday?

"Bacary Sagna had surgery on his broken leg this week so Francis Coquelin will deputise at right back."

why arsene why you stubborn fool?

posted on 12/5/12

If Ramsey plays, they will rip us apart and we can say good bye to 3rd and probably 4th

posted on 12/5/12

Please Wenger for the love of god don't play Ramsey.

posted on 12/5/12

yeah like ramsey picks himself!

he's having a bad run but he doesn't hide on the pitch!

it amazes me that we would slaughter a kid who's had his leg busted giving his all in his first full season at Arsenal......some fans

posted on 12/5/12

comment by returnofDaSilvaSurfer (U12750)
posted 1 minute ago
yeah like ramsey picks himself!

he's having a bad run but he doesn't hide on the pitch!

it amazes me that we would slaughter a kid who's had his leg busted giving his all in his first full season at Arsenal......some fans

Think most people are blasting Wenger here, not Ramsey

posted on 12/5/12

"yeah like ramsey picks himself!

he's having a bad run but he doesn't hide on the pitch!

it amazes me that we would slaughter a kid who's had his leg busted giving his all in his first full season at Arsenal......some fans"

I think you will see I said "please Wenger don't pick Ramsey."

posted on 12/5/12

he's having a bad run but he doesn't hide on the pitch!

it amazes me that we would slaughter a kid who's had his leg busted giving his all in his first full season at Arsenal......some fans

If we had secured 3rd, then I wouldnt mind him playing. But we havent and hes been a liability and if he plays, He will be a liability again

He needs to go out on loan next season

posted on 12/5/12

Hopefully Wenger has seen sense and he will put Benayoun or someone in Ramsey's place - Benny, Song and Rosicky would work in the middle.

If Ramsey plays, it will be the same old story - collect the ball in the middle, run from one side to the other then do a pointless Cruyff turn and go back, forget what you intended to do, execute a poor mid-range pass, lose possession, then drift back slowly as the man you were supposed to be marking breaks away and scores.

And if it does happen, or if he does anything else to cost us the game and the CL spot, he will be hounded out of the club.

posted on 12/5/12

don't really care what people say, it's the moaning groaning fans who go to the games and put pressure on the kid when he's playing badly instead of trying to give him encouragement!!

As long as he wears our colours we should support him not get on his case...he's a kid coming back from a major injury!!

Do you honestly believe if wenger had a choice he wouldn't rest him and give him a breather...which he clearly needs?

I suppose if Jack has a bad patch next season we'd be crying for him to be dropped?

I bet half the people on here were moaning at walcott when we went 0:2 dowon to 5pur2....next minute they're singing "theo"!!

we need to act like fans and not behave like spoilt children!!

posted on 12/5/12


The kid shows more desire on the pitch than Song, who gives the ball away just as much, does those stupid chipped passes ALL THE TIME and doesn't track back - this from a supposedly world class player.

posted on 12/5/12

Ramsey will definitely be picked.

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