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Txiki Begiristain new DOF

strong rumours he will be appointed DOF.

What do you think?

posted on 17/5/12

why isnt he media friendly?

have a look at one of his scouting reports and tell me he doesn't know tactics

if your judging him on his time at Chelsea your a idiot

posted on 17/5/12

Yes you, Mr top Arsenal board posted.

posted on 17/5/12

Yes you are, Mr top Arsenal board poster.

posted on 17/5/12

So you're obviously judging him for his time at Porto, which makes you a total idiot. Portugal is a two team league. Think I'll base my opinion on what he did in a competitive league. He flopped big time.

posted on 17/5/12

Although it is a two team league he won the Europa as well. Despite it being mocked in this country there are always some good teams in there. He clearly has some degree of talent it's just the fact he had to go into Chelsea and overhaul an existing squad.

posted on 17/5/12

Without the record thread i am not top.

posted on 17/5/12

clearly i know a bit more about the man as a coach/manager and not just his 8 months at chelsea.

hence you being the idiot : )

posted on 17/5/12

What are you going on about? Just because you state you know more about something doesn't mean you do. Get yourself onto Wiki....

posted on 17/5/12

TOOR, u are the idiot for slating anyone that dares to have an opinion thats not in line with yours.

Isnt it GCSE revision time?

posted on 17/5/12

Ok which top quality european Player will want to work under him?
"Heres £100m robby, fill yer boots"
"er, ill start with figuearo, then ill have yakubu and ill have jarvis and i wonder if I can entice Ngog back?"

These Americans are turning us into an absolute joke
Gurd. This is one of your typical posts. Martinez hasn't even walked through the door and you're ridiculing him. I'm not slating anyone for having a different opinion, i'm slating idiots like you for being so negative and bitter when you have no idea (nor do i) if he would be a success or not. With fans like you he doesn't stand a chance.
And what are you going on about GCSE revision? Nothing i have said is childish or immature - its obviously yourself who has the low mental age if this is all the wit you can conjure.....

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