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Vertonghen Medical before weekend!!!

Obviously nothing is the truth until it's on the OS site but plenty of reports today from various different sources claiming Vertonghen is now a "done deal" and will be arriving for his medical before the weekend

Tom Collomosse ‏@TomCStandard (correspondent london evening standard)
Chat in Holland that Vertonghen will have a medical in London tomorrow

Mark van den Heuvel ‏@MJvdHeuvel
@TomCStandard Rumours in Holland that @Jan_Vertonghen will have his medical tomorrow in Londen, before joining #Spurs (via@AjaxFanzone) posted by rafa magazine editor

Also all the "ITK'S" are putting their neck on the line and all saying Vertonghen is now a spurs player and will be signed up officially before the weekend!!!!

Now let's go and get a striker or 2


posted on 25/6/12

im getting a bit fkd off with this story now.

we've had it every day for the last month and a half.

i couldnt give 2 shiiits whether he signs or not either tbh.

posted on 26/6/12

This fecking medical is taking a long time ..

posted on 26/6/12


posted on 26/6/12

Messiah.. im getting depressed with the whole thing now.. the club need to be more open with the fans and at least tell us they are interviewing people

posted on 26/6/12

Haha fack sake man used to go nuts with Harry manager and signing announced next week then its full steam ahead

posted on 26/6/12

Lets hope so .... If we get good news then we can smile again.................

comment by Spurtle (U1608)

posted on 26/6/12

This transfer will break the record for most updates before the signing is complete. That is of course if it goes on to be completed.

posted on 26/6/12

"Obviously nothing is the truth until"

Don hears it on the radio the day before it happens. <FACT><ITK>

posted on 26/6/12

Vertonghen Medical before weekend!

Yeh but what bloody weekend ..

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 26/6/12

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