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New formation?

My first article so be nice.

With the announcement of the Kagawa deal, I think that Fergie maybe moving toward a new formation: 4231. The main reason for this, IMO, is for one more Champs league, after which, sadly I think Fergie will leave. This would be my team for next season.

De Gea

Rafael Vidic Rio Evra

Carrick (new signing)

Valencia Kagawa Young/Nani


This would still leave Welbeck, Clevs, Ando, Young/Nani and Chica as our impact subs.

This front four would have the interchangability (if that's even a word) that we had in the 08-09 team and I think with a new signing such as Fellaini or similar, we would certainly be up there again next season and would give us a chance in the champs league. If no new signing was made i would play Scholes there, but we all know, that as great as he is, he can't play every game for us.

Anyone else think that we're looking to change formation or just me?
How long do people think Fergie has left?

posted on 5/6/12

"The transfer is not complete for the time being. I have yet to sign the contract," Kagawa told Kyodo News after training with his national team on Tuesday.

comment by VCG © (U13761)

posted on 5/6/12

It's on Utd site it's good as done

Of course he hasn't yet signed he's focused on two games first.

But it's done deal

posted on 5/6/12

Just beat me to it VCD

posted on 5/6/12

I hope we play that formation next season.

On top of the Kagawa signing I would still like us to sign a LB and CM.

posted on 5/6/12

Agreed, I fully expect the transfer to go through but just wondering why he wouldn't just say it's a done deal

posted on 5/6/12

Agreed, I fully expect the transfer to go through but just wondering why he wouldn't just say it's a done deal


He said it's not complete "For The Time Being" meaning it won't be completed until he signs the contract but the words "for the time being" means he is basically admitting it's all agreed just that the formalities are not fully complete yet as he's currently away with the Japan national team.

posted on 5/6/12

I like this formation and would like to see it played. However I would have a fit and inform Nani on the right ahead of Valencia. We have great attacking options so everyone should be getting games but my preferred front 4 would be

Nani Kagawa Young

That 4 would be very fluid and in theory all 4 players would be comfortable in any of those positions, moving around throughout the game. It would also mean Rooney playing slightly further up the field but it doesn't mean he can't still drop deep, just not too deep, if he feels like he needs to drop deep Kagawa can always push up, much like Messi and Fabregas at the start of the season which worked very well. Rooney would operate as a false number 9.

Modric would also be a great signing but he wouldn't be cheap, also a new LB, ideally to give Evra a bit of competition as he has been poor for the past 2 years.

posted on 5/6/12

I would love for us to sign Alba and Martinez. With those two along with Kagawa I would put my life on us winning the league next season unfortunately we won't be signing those 2 I just hope to god we don't sign Baines

posted on 5/6/12

Welcome to the site. I don't think Valencia can play in a flexible formation.

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