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Is Bates Creating Another Smoke Screen

Is the possible buy out or funding another crafty trick by Bates to get through another transfer window without any major transfer activity. Could it be that these offers dont exist and he is using this as a reason not to bring any new players in.
If they do exist perhaps he is just sitting on the offers knowing he is going to turn them down but again only after the transfer window has closed. We will then get the usual statement that the offer wasnt good enough or that the deal fell through.

All in all a very frustrating time and one that all Leeds fans are used to.

posted on 10/6/12

if it is all smoke screen & mirrors then its bye bye warnock, a good few thousand season tick holders, & hello to relegation, 10'000 home crowds & probably admin.....all cos of the old git

posted on 10/6/12

Jedward new favs to take over from Warnock 2/1

posted on 10/6/12

NJS...are you a jedward fan ?......

posted on 10/6/12

This is what worries me as if we go into next season with this squad and the moral we will be relegated

posted on 10/6/12

harj....you know I am!

comment by Roz (U2288)

posted on 10/6/12

Just read rumour on WACCOE about Patrick Murrin having sold his shares. Who knows if it's true.

posted on 10/6/12

Was it Bates that leaked this story of takeovers / investment....?

Who owns the smokescreen...?

posted on 10/6/12

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comment by leeds62 (U2387)

posted on 11/6/12

I think bates leaked the story to deflect from the fact we couldn,t raise 400k to buy Ward thats how devious the man is! Reminds me so much of Ed Ballls LEFT the country in a bloody mess then as the affrontery to blame the other party what a stupid individual perhaps he should be called Ed Bates!

posted on 25/6/12

joe saigon

Has he leaked anything else since though....?

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