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Is Deadlifts worth doing??

I've recently decided that I will try and incorporate deadeadlifts into my back workouts,I normally do back extensions for the lower back.
Does anybody think deadlifts are important and how heavy should you go on them,as I have heard it can damage the lower back.

posted on 29/6/12

if he had been doing deadlifts and squats from the start he would of been even more hench


posted on 29/6/12

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posted on 29/6/12

The reason I've not started them yet is because I feel you need someone who knows correct form there with you at the time. It's no good watching a video etc.

As I said I am still making slow gains on my bulk (maybe I need to increase calorie consumption, off topic I know) with minimal fat without doing them. So for now I will leave them.

posted on 29/6/12

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posted on 29/6/12

Back and biceps tomorrow @ 8am

posted on 29/6/12

Singh, I wouldn't worry about not doing them in the short-term; I made good gains without them, you seem to be making good gains without them, and we've seen the sort of gains Chris Jones has been making without them!

They're not a prerequisite for muscle development, but long-term, I think it is best to start strengthening your lower back.

vik, it's important to lift with your legs, but I also found it helpful to focus on squeezing your glutes and pushing your hips forward.

Whilst it's technically considered a pulling movement, most people emphasize that you should think of it like a push.

This following link provides a detailed explanation of good form, for anyone interested:


posted on 30/6/12

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posted on 30/6/12

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posted on 30/6/12

Today it was:

2 sets of chin ups for warm up then.....

Wide grip lat pulldown, close grip and behind the neck lat pulldown, dumbell rows, seated row, back extensions

3 sets of 8-10. Threw in a couple of drop sets on the lats.

posted on 3/7/12

Great exercise and you can probably build a great back doing these on their own..

However I tended to do deadlifts one week and swap them with Powercleans the next to keep it fresh...

Toss up between deads and the squat as to which is best!!

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