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Please do not be so hasty...

For those calling for Daniel Levy's head there are two sides to every story.

Cannot go into too many details but Harry was completely unprofessional in several meetings with Mr Levy and Don was very right the "sacking" did happen yesterday.

Kevin Bond is gone but very strangely Joe Jordan looks to be staying!

posted on 13/6/12


Completely agree buddy! i do not agree with everything he does but Mr Levy loves Tottenham Hotspur just like everyone of us.

comment by Obers (U3904)

posted on 13/6/12

anyone calling for levys head is a complete idiot


Chronic you numpty.

posted on 13/6/12

messiah ™

bond had to go he lost his lift to work ffs

posted on 13/6/12

I see it this way.

Assuming I work in a bank and if I was being courted by a rival bank and it was common knowledge that my boss and practically everyone else in the bank knew I would take the job if offered.however the job offer never came but the spculation affected my staff and cost us a £20 million or more contract(Champions league) then I would expect the sack. It wasnt Harry's fault the FA courted him for the role but he should have swatted all questions away(look how Di Matteo handled job speculation) and made sure only questions answered in interviews were re Spurs and nothing else. but he umed and aahed and waffled away.

I am sad to see him go if indeed he has left but in the same sense not too sad to see him leave. My only concern now are the potential signings we had lined up. They might see instability at the club and decide its not for them. COYS!!

posted on 13/6/12


hahaha! Whats the score gonna be tomorrow for us tomorrow buddy? (The irish)

posted on 13/6/12

1-0 mate Richie Dunne with the bullet header its gonna rip the net open

posted on 13/6/12

Glad bond has gone as well, it needed shaking up

Sky saying all spurs fans are shocked and upset.. clearly not of armchair fans watching sky <oK>

posted on 13/6/12

@ Sandy

Just seen your first comment sir.....spot on. What your thinking times by fifty. Stunning levels of pure and utter ignorance.


Loving the optomism i have gone for 1-0 too, i do not care if Shay Given scores aslong as it counts! Come on Ireland!

comment by Spurtle (U1608)

posted on 13/6/12

This decision will make or break Levy. Either we go on from here, get a new manager who can carry on the same level as Harry and maybe further and Levy is seen as a genius, or Spurs go back to where we used to be and Levy will pretty much be hated by Spurs fans forever more.

posted on 13/6/12


It could only happen at Spurs.

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