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Article Rating 5 Stars

Bad Move :(

This is a bad move in my opinion, when our club needed stability and someone take this club forward we've gone backwards and sacked a manager who's turned this club around.

Levy's next decision at the club will be his biggest in his time with us, whilst Arsenal/Chelsea are signing quality players we're selling and releasing players and letting our manager go, I just can't see the logic in this and I still think this is a bad move by Levy, this is a massive gamble!

I'm worried where that leaves us for now, and the future.

I'm not convinced and I'm gutted that Harry has gone

posted on 14/6/12

But that's the whole point, he has not gone for footballing reasons.


We don't know this as fact. Our form in the second half of the season was shocking.

posted on 14/6/12

Mick McCarthy is available.

Slippery slope for Spurs now, so sad, so sad.

posted on 14/6/12

Thudd who do you think will win the Euros?

Did you see the game last night?

How are you?

posted on 14/6/12

But that's the whole point, he has not gone for footballing reasons.


Exactly Hod

Surely he went because he thought he was bigger than the club and when anyone has delusions of grandeur - whether they be manager or player - they have to go.

Shame really when you look at what 'Arry did for the club.

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 14/6/12


It was good
I'm sad

Obviously Champions League was important and the whole England scenario did not help, maybe let his contract run its course, I'm panicking. Hope that Levy knows what he is doing? Because we're doomed otherwise

posted on 14/6/12

What do you think of France's chances?

Who's your favourite Chelsea player?

Do you think Higuain is world class?

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 14/6/12

Saint I miss Harry

Hold me

posted on 14/6/12

Do you want me to ruffle your hair?

posted on 14/6/12

It's a disgrace, I mean a club like spurs having the indignity to finish fourth, just shocking. He had to go.

Shakes head.

posted on 14/6/12

"It's a disgrace, I mean a club like spurs having the indignity to finish fourth, just shocking."

And twice in the past 3 seasons.
The absolute Sky 4 efrontery of the upstarts who don't know their place.

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