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Article Rating 5 Stars


To Stephen Thompson for stating he would vote no and to the Dundee United fans for backing their club with improved season ticket sales!

Thompson states with an extra 1000 season ticket sales the club can cope without the fixtures with Rangers. I hope the fans remember to retain the tickets for how ever many seasons it takes for the best club in Scotland to return to the top of the pile!

Congratulations to the furryboots team!

Now if every other club comes out and states their position and the fans back each of these clubs to the tune of an extra 1000 season ticket holders then once again Rangers will be responsible for improving the state of the game! Reminds me of Sounness coming to Ibrox .

Bit tongue in cheek at the end but come on fans get out support your club!

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 23/6/12

Mr.Thompson has no sense of theatre.

Keep 'em guessing to the last second.

posted on 23/6/12

What kind of fans are these extra 1000 when it takes another teams troubles to get them out and support THEIR team. Some supporters eh .

posted on 23/6/12

To be fair to the other 1000 fans, they've no had much to watch over the past 20+ years. At least now there's a chance for CL qualification over the next 3 years.

Its only because their clubs may be in financial difficulty that they're wiling to dip into their own pockets and help them out. Rangers fans should take note

posted on 23/6/12

Fantasy football right enough.

posted on 23/6/12

Where are people getting this idea of a chance of CL qualification?

Next season, AFAIK, there is 1 space for SPL clubs in the CL - the Champions.

And with the overall co-eff falling like a stone, an additional one is not suddenly going to appear.

Increased chance of EL qual maybe, but again, places will fall away as co-eff drops.

posted on 23/6/12

Rangers fans should take note ................don't worry Jukebox we have.

posted on 23/6/12

Bit late though is it not?

If any club in Scotland needs their fans to dip into their pockets right now, surely its Rangers. Although to be fair to you,I wouldn't want Green anywhere near my hard earned money either.

posted on 23/6/12

Jukebox.....you're spot on, any supporter who gives Green their money is a fool.

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