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Article Rating 3.22 Stars

Community spirit

With all the rioting that went on last summer, originating in Tottenham you would think that community spirit, togetherness and harmony would be a priority in Haringey.

But no! An £18,000 shortfall in funding has put an end to the carnival and the resignation of the organiser.

No offers from Bozo who backed the £17m subsidy of WHL, No offers from Haringey who will supply the £17m and no offer from the not so great THFC.



posted on 23/6/12

we took europe before you old boy

posted on 23/6/12

You can hardly talk, you have just spent the whole time on here attacking people.
Grow up for gods sake...."attacking" .

posted on 23/6/12

bye bye

posted on 23/6/12

No doubt you are.Telling me once was enough though

posted on 23/6/12

I was just joking with Spewer Rat.
yeah right!!

So we will never, in your deluded eyes, have won the UCL.

It doesn't matter because everyone knows its true.

posted on 23/6/12

Spewer Rat ✪ (U1517)

posted 10 hours, 1 minute ago

Has to be punnishment for bad behavior and a lot of people in Tottenham dont deserve a Carnival this yr

An excellent way to deter bad behaviour


i live in liverpool and the dead beats from parts of my great city jumped on the band wagon and started to riot after seeing what was going on around London.

why reward the vermin that continues to multiple in this country

great shout Mr Rat

posted on 23/6/12

The Verbal Jouster (U11370)

Thanks VJ. Glad someone, other than sp.uds, sees sense. Very much appreciated.

BTW thanks for the new username i.e. Mr Rat

posted on 23/6/12

You are most welcome Mr Rat.

This is a football site but lets not forget that games were postponed and the country came to a standstill because of lazy layabout thugs who pretended it was because there was a lack of opportunity so decided to rampage and destroy the lives of hard working people.

It affected people's pockets who had to pay for damages to cars/shops/insurance etc. I was fortunate to not be directly affected other than see football games i take an interest in cancelled.

You could not have been more right Sewer

posted on 23/6/12

Politics has no place in football.

posted on 24/6/12

comment by The Verbal Jouster (U11370)

posted 14 hours, 4 minutes ago

Spewer Rat ✪ (U1517)

posted 10 hours, 1 minute ago

Has to be punnishment for bad behavior and a lot of people in Tottenham dont deserve a Carnival this yr

An excellent way to deter bad behaviour


i live in liverpool and the dead beats from parts of my great city jumped on the band wagon and started to riot after seeing what was going on around London.

why reward the vermin that continues to multiple in this country

get your facts right mate

I made those comments not Roland rat

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