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Manchester United must move to Gibraltar

We MUFC must relocate to outside of England, as our players have shamed the nation.
According to many, we have gone out of Euro 2012 because of Ashley Young, Wayne Rooney, and Danny Welbeck. These players are rubbish.

I'm thinking we should move to Gibraltar, way away from England, as MUFC English players are just too rubbish for England. As Pirlo strutted around in midfield, completely able to do whatever he wanted (because nobody put any pressure on him after 25 minutes), while'st the centre mids for Eng set up camp just in front of the defence around the penalty box, I can see now that this is entirely Rooney's, Young's and Welbeck's fault.

We should feel sorry for Gerrard and Parker, because if you set up camp 5 yards away from the penalty box, how can you create any chances for the strikers? You can't expect Gerrard and Parker to do both can you!
Rooney, Young, and Welbeck, hang your heads in shame, you are terrible players, instead of wasting your time chasing back to cover the midfield, you waited up front like strikers do and did nothing! Next time England should just play with more midfielders to join the other CM's at the camp site outside the great wall of England. This way we may block a penalty too. Strikers are clearly rubbish, they don't block anything.

Here is my 'whose fault is it' list, for the past few International tournaments:

With a sigma level 5, I can conclude that I have made a formal scientific discovery, with a 99.5% chance of certainty:

98: Beckham
20: Beckham probably
02: Definitely Beckham
04: Rooney
06: Rooney
08: N/A (Rooney)
10: Rooney
12: Rooney, Young, Welbeck

MUFC just edge the majority on this list, which leads to a compelling truth, it is Manchester United's fault!

So yes, these players and this club should be deported immediately to that crummy rock below that crummy country called Spain. That will teach them a lesson!
This would mean fans would no longer have to see MUFC players in an England shirt, great news indeed, hurray!

Would all fans be happy with this? I agree with myself.

posted on 25/6/12

comment by Cityblueloz, the Dude abides! He doesn't abide suarez not now not ever!!!! (U6305)
posted 23 minutes ago
Yes please leave Trafford "not Manchester" an never come back!

Who was formed in Manchester and who was formed outside of Manchester and had to ask a certain clubs permission to enter the city? Read up on your history Loz.

comment by Ruiney (U1005)

posted on 25/6/12

The best bit is, they'll all come back to United and play their socks off again. That will really annoy the scapegoaters

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 25/6/12

Who's parade was at Manchester town hall and who's was at Trafford?

comment by Ruiney (U1005)

posted on 25/6/12

Who gives a fack? Petty arguments.

posted on 25/6/12

Love that excuse don't care where it was paraded. You weren't founded in Manchester and you had to ask old Newton Heath's permission to enter the city too, so maybe show a bit more respect orb rxause without United you wouldn't be where you are today

posted on 25/6/12

Because without*

posted on 25/6/12

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 25/6/12

Trafford boys Trafford arndale Trafford united!

Manchester city Manchester arndale Manchester town hall Manchesters club!

posted on 25/6/12

Are you Ardwick in disguise? You'll always be Ardwicks number one football club

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 25/6/12

Manchesters club mcfc,Trafford's club mu

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