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Is it time for a shared stadium?

With both teams needing a new stadium and attempts for each club to have their own stadium ending in failure, is it time for both clubs to bite the bullet, swallow their pride and join forces and obtain a shared stadium? please discuss

posted on 28/6/12

A few posters on here...........you realised i was talking about you then.

Just a genuine reflection of my take on TBs character.
I would imagine you would know exactly where you stood with him,like it or like it not.

You on the other hand,and this is a genuine reflection of my take on your character,seem to be a phony.

posted on 28/6/12

seem to be a phony


You little tinker, a phony.

My views/stance has never changed from the day I started to post.

I have come up against Keef, Crispy and the others and remaind true to my beliefs

posted on 28/6/12

Talk about quality discussion and debate amongst our own "supposedly" Everton supporters. It has quickly deteriorated into a Kindergarten spit full of infantile retorts to each others responses. No real meritorious arguments and any sensible Evertonian who tries to intervene in this personal "my dads bigger than your dad" type exchange, is dissuaded from doing so.
I know i have been admonished for having a go at other Teams on other sites but i feel that it is time someone attempted to instill some sense into these combatants on my own Board, who all claim to be staunch Evertonians yet command the board for their own petty arguments day in day out. Thank you.

posted on 28/6/12

Who made you king of what should be discussed?

We have differing views and will stand up for them. If you debt like it use the filter button

posted on 28/6/12

If you dont like it use the filter button or just don't read it.

I have a dad so don't need your input on how I should behave.

posted on 28/6/12

Sorry if i upset you all by trying to intervene in an argument which appears to have been hijacked by just three members.
Thank God im not your Dad or you would have been made to stand in a corner or sit on the naughty step with your compatriots out of earshot of the rest of the family who were intent on having a general discussion and not trying to adopt a "closed Shop" type of debate.

posted on 28/6/12

Oh and why should i be forced to Filter one of my Own Teams Supporters.Why cant you just calmly consider what i have said without becoming rude ageist and argumentative.

By the way where does DEBT come into it....... See your comment above.

posted on 28/6/12

Debt =don't

Predictive text!

What really did you bring to the discussion apart from you childlike rat to the admin.

I debated about the cons of a FQ using the national football museum as an example. How public money is needed to support it and how visitors would stop in a City centre hotel with all the attractions on your room doorstep.

Or how a shared stadium would generate the revenue we need.

But you just see a few people standing up for their views and don't like it.

Add to the debate....don't mob

posted on 28/6/12

Don't moan

posted on 29/6/12

I tried early on in the discussion but my comments were ignored.Subsequently it seems to have developed into a Dogfight between Yourself, CE and TB.
I shudder to think of the impressions that casual visitors to our site might go away with. Some little time ago, a Liverpool supporter remarked upon the dearth of contributors to our Forum compared to those of other teams. I now understand why this is happening when you compare the number of current regular Respondents with the numbers that used to comment on the old "606" Board having regard to the quality and quantity of debateable Subject matters.
Let us see if we can improve the situation and stop the petty arguments amongst ourselves.I am all for friendly banter and humorous Articles, Comments and Anecdotes and would welcome more of them from now on.

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