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Article Rating 5 Stars

Matches of the day Wimbledon day 3

Matches of the day:

Djoko vs Harrison
easy one for Djoko

Benjamin Becker v Stepanek
Stepanek to win (maybe in 5)

Trociki v Kilzan
Troicki in 3

Chardy V Monaco
Monaco to win

Almagro v Ruffin
Ruffin to win

Benlemans v Gasquet
Gasquet to win

Mayer v Petschzner
Mayer to win

Polish guy vs Gulbis
Gulbis to win

Federer v Fognini
easy 3 for fed

Russell v Benetteau
Benettau to win

Verdy vs Jamilla
Jamilla to win

Malisse v Simon
Simon to win

Falla vs Mahut
Mahut to win

Andreev v Istomin
Istomin to win

Youzhny and Tipsy to win their respective matches.

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 27/6/12

Pironkova is tightening up now...the difference between a champion and challenger....

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 27/6/12

Li NA out...

posted on 27/6/12

"Atleast Woz does not give out those orgasmic ooouhhs and iiiiis "

I can see you are a Woz fan and she can't do no wrong he,he....

comment by WOW (U14335)

posted on 27/6/12

Mahut the comeback man. Come on Niclaus!

comment by WOW (U14335)

posted on 27/6/12

Djoko net approach 9/18. He is certainly working on few things.

comment by Tenez (U6808)

posted on 27/6/12

Djoko's BH slice doesn't look very good.

The commentator also notice the resemblance between Harrison and Agassi. I was about to write about it when they just mentioned it.

posted on 27/6/12

did you all see THAT!!!!! GO NOLEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

comment by WOW (U14335)

posted on 27/6/12

yes, it was good.

comment by WOW (U14335)

posted on 27/6/12

Djoko is laways so full of appreciation towards his opponents. Well done Djoko but i am sure Fed will win if they meet in SF.

posted on 27/6/12

Nole in great form

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