Danny Sturridge has been diagnosed with viral meningitis. Terrible news, especially with the recent illnesses suffered by Muamba and Petrov as well as the death of Morosini on a football pitch. Luckily meningitis is very treatable as long as they pick it up early, and with all the medical attention that footballers get, I think that's likely. The disease shouldn't be too far advanced. My sister had meningitis but she was diagnosed early and recovered quickly following treatment, let's hope the same happens here
posted on 3/7/12
Verm - as I say, she was in hospital for 3 nights with a drip, so it was pretty intense, she was vomitting most of the first evening and day she was in. Doctors said the only real cure was rest. She's still feeling it now, but she is better..hope that helps mate
posted on 3/7/12
Sandro- ahh ok, sounds rough. Glad she's better now mate
posted on 3/7/12
Daniel Sturridge, best of luck mate.
This puts football into perspective. I had somebody pretty close to me who had meningitis, my Mum, and she spent a whole year in hospital, but glad to say she is still going strong now in her 90s.
Get well soon.
posted on 3/7/12
Just heard,Hope he gets well soon. <ok.>
posted on 3/7/12
Get well soon danny x
posted on 3/7/12
Hope he gets well soon.
posted on 3/7/12
Best wishes to Daniel on a quick & full recovery!
posted on 4/7/12
all the best get well soon
posted on 4/7/12
sorry, I'm not sure what's going on! has he been diagnosed with meningitis? on bbc it says that "Daniel Sturridge has had tests for suspected meningitis." am i being stupid here, does tests mean that he's already got it and they are just checking how severe it is?
posted on 4/7/12
It looks like he may have Viral Meningitis, which fortunately for him is less serious than Bacterial Meningitis.