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My fellow Gunners

This isnt the time to talk about RVP's treachery....this is the time to take a stand against our ambitionless board & the equally ambitionless Kronke.

As i have said many times Usmanov is a better choice. Yes, he might have made his money through debious means but right now all these things are happening due to our not spending. At the end of this scenario, we would have lost our best player & captain and the board would have made a handsome profit.

Tell me, gunners, is this what will win us trophies? i think not

Our stand, should we choose to take it, is quite simple. TAKE THE CLUB BACK. We must demand the sacking of the whole board & the immediate removal of Kronke. We can protest, we can boycott matches, we can boo the board members while at games, we can & must do something.

What we cannot do is remain mute as our beloved club sinks further into mediocrity.

posted on 5/7/12

Our stand, should we choose to take it, is quite simple. TAKE THE CLUB BACK.

Will only cost us about 400million

Shall we have a wip round?

posted on 5/7/12

We can protest, we can boycott matches, we can boo the board members while at games


Protesting got Blackburn fans a long way, didn't they. Boycotting games and booing will hardly help the players' performances either. I agree that the board are ambitionless, but as fans we would be destabilising the club even further by protesting, this would adversely affect performances. If we did that then the club would be in as much of a mess as last summer, as it stands we are still well-prepared for RvP's departure and we need to keep things stable, even if it means another year of just top 4.

posted on 5/7/12

I like the word "debious" that you made up. Is it a cross between "devious and dubious"? If it is I like it!

posted on 5/7/12

BahamasSpurs (U1033)
posted 1 second ago
I like the word "debious" that you made up. Is it a cross between "devious and dubious"? If it is I like it!

wouldn't that be more like dev-bious ??

posted on 5/7/12

Ive got a couple quid in pocket every little helps right? club be ours in no time

posted on 5/7/12

@ Bahamaspurs - I don't know if he meant it, but I plan on using debious from now on...

posted on 5/7/12

All the secrets of the universe lay in wengers sleeping bag coat (Arsenal summer sale now on! talented players must go!) (U10991)
posted 52 seconds ago
Ive got a couple quid in pocket every little helps right? club be ours in no time

Can I be head chairman ???

comment by GGC (U14249)

posted on 5/7/12

I agree. Although some of your wishes are a little much.

posted on 5/7/12

comment by All the secrets of the universe lay in wengers sleeping bag coat (Arsenal summer sale now on! talented players must go!) (U10991)
posted 6 minutes ago
Ive got a couple quid in pocket every little helps right? club be ours in no time

If we assume we have 40,000 on the season ticket waiting list, then to raise £400m we just need each person to contribute £10,000........

posted on 5/7/12

Debious is actually a cross between RVP and

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