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Wenger's legacy

The once great french manager has no doubt been a driving force in Arsenal becoming the world brand it is right now, but we certainly cannot say our reputation as an European top team isnt presently under serious threat. Wenger's legacy which he built from nothing into one of utmost respect and admiration has,imo, been crumbling for the past 2 or 3 seasons. Voices questioning his managerial skills have increased. Voices singing praise a la "In Arsene We trust" has reduced considerably.

I, as a Gunner and admirer of Wenger, firmly believe that as each season comes & goes, his era of invincibility disintegrates more & more. Why is this so? Imo, this is because of wenger's blind loyalty to the board. He is ready, and often enough, takes stick for the board even when we all know that its not his job to provide these funds. Though a nobel act I feel he will regret taking these actions, as when the $h.it hits the fan he ll be the one left taking all blames.

For example, as a manager of his exposure am pretty sure he knows its suicide depending on diaby & wilshere for next season. Diaby is a write-off and wilshere's young career is in danger of being injury ravaged, Rosicky & Ramsey are average at best. If we are going to rely on only these players then we are most certainly doomed.

Dont know why we have pulled out of the M'Vila race (contrary to what some of you think, but when a manager says we are not after a player take it at face value), and this Carzola is predominantly a winger so how does he come into our midfield.

Utd just spent 26m pounds on a new midfielder, add that to them acquring kagawa. Why cant we spend some flipping money and buy the exact player we need, rather than goin for the cheap option in order to save cash.

As i said earlier, wenger is in danger of destroying his legacy if he continues to condone the board's tight-fistedness & idiocy. My respect for him will still be intact if he resigns in protest in the way the board is running the club....unlike rvp he has given alot to this club & no one will begrudge him that.

posted on 23/7/12

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