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Article Rating 5 Stars


Not having a pop, I very very rarely even look at other teams pages. but at time of writing, i looked on citys board and 3 out of the top 4 articles are about united. went back on ours and none of the top 4 are about city. #justsaying

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 23/7/12

To be fair one of them is because your manager was talking rubbish about us.


comment by Diggler (U4142)

posted on 23/7/12

Really Paul, so your almost daily youtube posts in the tavern are actually meant for our viewing pleasure?

posted on 23/7/12

Indeed they are
Kolo & yayas song is lovely

comment by Diggler (U4142)

posted on 23/7/12

Thats the spiriit

posted on 23/7/12

I'm negotiating with Diva to change the bar name to " Summerbees" or "Buzzers Bar"

comment by Diggler (U4142)

posted on 23/7/12

You realise that Diva has no power whatsoever?

We just keep him around because his milestones keep the thread ticking over...

posted on 23/7/12

He'll want to be with me when there's a coup

posted on 23/7/12

Not surprising tbh. They are obsessed with us. Even at there victory parade.

posted on 23/7/12

Your last one was only remembered for the tumbleweed cascading down Deansgate*

* Deansgate is a street in Manchester City centre

posted on 23/7/12

Your last one was only remembered for the tumbleweed cascading down Deansgate*
Well rather that than making posters about opposition managers.

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