First time visiting Anfield this season, finally was able to purchase a membership and then tickets.
Just wondering as ive seen contrasting things, will I recieve paper tickets or the games ive got tickets for, will they be put straight onto my membership card?
Membership/Paper Tickets
posted on 28/7/12
You should get tickets. As far as I know the only cards that are used at the gates are season cards!
posted on 28/7/12
i have a membership and last year i used my membership card to get access
posted on 28/7/12
Yeah a few people said you use your card but I was also told paper tickets..I'll wait and see if anything comes, if not I'll give my card a go. Thanks
posted on 28/7/12
Have you purchased your tickets? It's fan card all the time if you join the membership, only get paper tickets on rare occasion that they go for general sale in box office.. You should get an e-mail with you set numbers and the gate you enter and u take your fan card and scan it in on your way into the ground... Only time they have ever sent me tickets is for away game which obv you would need to get a ticket for...
posted on 28/7/12
Yeah I purchased them last week, I received my membership pack the other day. Read on the website that if I can't gain access I should go to the ticket office/etc so here's hoping haha