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Anybody seen Suso's tweet?

Suso deleted his tweet... 'Liverpool...back with the reserves on tuesday... nothing changes.'

I was only able to see the first friendly match of the three and I thought Suso looked like a very good prospect and had a lot about him already.

How was he over the three games? Does he deserve to be included in the first team yet from what you have seen?

My dad is a Southampton fan and Southampton have promoted 3 youth players to the first team this year one being 16 year old Ward-Prowse. He was even highlighted as a dangerous player by Ajax manager yesterday when Southampton played them in a friendly, along with Adam Lallana.

Do you think that we should follow that example by introducing players like Suso into the first team or at least first team training?

In the Sun yesterday there was an article on Rodgers and one of his three philosophies was to bring through talented youth. Should he not start as he means to go on?

It is early days to be fair so maybe we should allow the season to begin before I create this article, but if anything it is an interesting debating point.

If anyone would like to answer any of the questions posed I'd be interested to hear. Thanks!

posted on 30/7/12

Its an easy excuse for the others involved to say it was all nasty Mackenzie.

It's like Goebbels and Goering blaming everything on Hitler.

posted on 30/7/12

Its an easy excuse for the others involved to say it was all nasty Mackenzie.

It's like Goebbels and Goering blaming everything on Hitler

Im sorry, but the buck stops with the editor when it comes to the big stories. THEY decide what gets printed and without any evidence whatsoever, mackenzie ran with that story.
if people want to continue the boycott of the sun then that is fine, but if people frown on others for reading it then im sorry, it is no different to people buying german cars or going on holiday to germany

posted on 1/8/12

but if people frown on others for reading it then im sorry, it is no different to people buying german cars or going on holiday to germany
What a stupid analogy. If you want to compare the event to the war and Germany - which strangely enough is exactly the analogy Murdoch made using almost the exact same words used on here by those trying to compare the two events - then make the right analogy McKenzie and the sc um / Hitler and the third reich. The time to forgive the former is when we forgive the latter.

It has nothing to do with the people of Germany, German cars, holidays in Germany or anything else connected to Germany the country.

While no apology has been issued, while the justice campaign is ongoing and while the captain of our team Steven Gerrard who lost his 10 year old cousin at Hillsborough and is therefore one of the families involved in fighting for justice, the rag will never be forgiven and any fan buying it should think twice!

It's a matter priniple. If for no other reason, don't buy the rag, as a symbol of solidarity with the victims and their families still fighting for justice. If they are maintaining the boycott, not buying the rag is a very small price to pay in support of them and their cause.

posted on 1/8/12

well if you are going to use your analogy then the "3rd reich" would be mackenzie and his reporters at the time. much in the same way as the 3rd reich was germany at the time.
These have all moved on as have the 3rd reich so you are now aiming the campaign against the entity, the sun, so this is exactly the same as somebody from jewish background campaigning against germany. It is hardly a "stupid" analogy!!
Should the germany of today apologise for the war? should people who were not involved in the scandalous story of the time now apologise for Hillsborough?
Im not having a go at people boycotting the paper as this is their right and the justice campaign is still as valid today as it was at the outset because, that is more than the disgusting stories printed, but its not right to condemn people who do read the paper. its a matter of principle but its an individual choice.
I for one, wont read the paper because it is garbage, but if i did happen to read it, I would not accept ANY fan having a go at me for doing so and that has nothing to do with my respect for the 96

comment by Elvis (U7425)

posted on 1/8/12

comment by johnsonsbaby

While no apology has been issued, while the justice campaign is ongoing and while the captain of our team Steven Gerrard who lost his 10 year old cousin at Hillsborough and is therefore one of the families involved in fighting for justice, the rag will never be forgiven and any fan buying it should think twice!

Pretty sure that The Sun did issue an apology.

posted on 2/8/12

lucas - the analogy was stupid. The third reich wasn't Germany at the time. The good people of Germany were then and still are the good people of Germany. Refusing to buy a German car or go on holiday there is nonsensical which is why I said it's a stupid analogy. Hitler and the third reich won't be forgiven (by many) for what they did - it has nothing to do with the country itself, but a regime. That regime no longer exists, unfortunately the rag does.

I have seen links and references to the rag on most boards on here. I make no comment. I only comment when it's on the Liverpool board because it's Liverpool fans only that concerns me when talking about buying the rag. As KLS said Liverpool fans are a family and we stick together in times of tragedy when we need to dsupport each other. The justice campaign deserves the support of all Liverpool fans by boycotting the rag.

With regard to an apology - 15 years after the event a conditional apology was issued after Wayne Rooney sold a story to the paper and opened up the wounds again. An unconditional apology has never been issued and Mckenzie said he was forced to apologise by Murdoch and he withdrew it.

comment by Elvis (U7425)

posted on 2/8/12

comment by johnsonsbaby (U10461)

With regard to an apology - 15 years after the event a conditional apology was issued after Wayne Rooney sold a story to the paper and opened up the wounds again. An unconditional apology has never been issued and Mckenzie said he was forced to apologise by Murdoch and he withdrew it.

So an apology was issued then?

posted on 2/8/12

McKenzie withdrew his apology.

comment by Elvis (U7425)

posted on 2/8/12

comment by johnsonsbaby (U10461)
posted 23 minutes ago
McKenzie withdrew his apology.

But you were attacking the paper, not MacKenzie. The paper made an apology and have never withdrawn it. Therefore, your point about them never issuing an apology is inaccurate.

posted on 2/8/12

again you are confusing yourself.

you say that the 3rd reich was a "regime" yet cant accept that mackenzie and his writers at the time could be considered the same. THESE are the people that wrote the lies so to say that todays writers of the people are somehow to blame for misdemeanour's of past writers is EXACTLY the same as people blaming todays german population for the war.
How can it be any different?
As i said, the justice campaign is more than just the sun newspaper as there were bigger lies told that had far more devastating consequences, but if people want to boycott the paper, that is their right. lecturing other people that choose not to, in my opinion, is wrong

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