Awaits Andy Murray, with a little help from Laura!
Andy to beat Djockovic in another Olympic, semi - epic!
Double Olympic Gold!
posted on 5/8/12
Fingers crossed for Andy but like most, I won't be too unhappy if Roger prevails. I think he deserves this for all he has done for the sport.
Veejay, how about we just agree to stay out of each others way. You hate Nadal, I don't. Doesn't mean we have to go at each others throats on an internet forum
posted on 5/8/12
Im quite happy to lay the matter to rest if you will at a least admit that what Nadal does is wrong.I don't hate you or Nadal,I hate what you represent and what you are making a stand for.By refusing to acknowledge that breaking the rules of the game for an unfair advantage is wrong,you're sending out the message that its ok disregard the rules of the game,if players can get away with cheating then they should continue to cheat,that sportsmanship is irrelevant,forget about ethics and integrity,an athlete should be allowed to do anything to win,even if its by winning ugly like directly trying to sabotage your opponents chances by stealing their momentum from them,do you honestly believe the above?
You can still continue to be a fan of Nadal even if you disagree with his tactics,Ill even help you by pointing out that Im sometimes disappointed with comments from Fed and I don't like the way he belittles other players at times.See,its really not that hard
Just be honest,you'll certainly earn my respect
posted on 5/8/12
Veejay, I admit that the time Rafa takes to serve sometimes has me screaming at the telly, 'Serve already'.
I don't buy into the doping allegations and until I see concrete proof instead of unfounded rumours and cartoon shows, you will not sway me on that.
What else shall we address? MTO's perhaps. Yes he takes them but I don't think there is a player out there who doesn't. Except perhaps Roger. I don't agree that he takes them at inopportune moments in the game. I've seen him take them when he has been in a winning position and I've seen him take them when in a losing position.
Now if you are really honest, you will admit that things that Rafa does, everybody does to some extent, but because you don't like him, when he does them it annoys you more than when say Novak takes a long time to serve, which of course he does. This is not a get at Noval comment, I'm just pointing out how what will have you cursing and spitting at the telly in one player, you tend to let go when it's one of your favourites.
I actually quite enjoy Roger's caustic remarks about other players, but if somebody else was to do this, my first thought would be 'Arrogant git'.
posted on 5/8/12
I have admitted before that all the players have done something that could be frowned upon,none of them are entirely innocent,but there is a massive difference between them and Nadal
He displays poor sportsmanship in almost every single match now.And it keeps getting worse,I mean just looked how he deliberately bumped into Rosol to try and intimidate him,name me another payer who goes that far
Rosol even stopped to give Nadal way and Nadal still purposefully bumped into him.Now if he immediately apologised and looked genuinely sorry like it was a mistake then this wouldn't be an issue but his body language was very hostile and aggressive
And what about the on court coaching? Ok I have seen Del Potro getting some coaching from the stands but that happened in one match,Verdasco too a couple of times,but its not something everyone is doing so that makes it ok.Nadal gets coached in every match,its cheating there no way around it because the advice he gets from his uncle has a direct impact on the out come of matches
What about all the other tactics he uses to try and upset his opponent,like abusing MTO? Of course all the players take them but so far theres not much suggest anyone else abuses MTO the way he does.While he may be within his right, to call for a MTO, what makes it wrong is that he is purposefully doing it to cool his opponent,no pro athlete should be resorting to such tactics to help win matches
Did anyone of the 4 semi finalists call a medical time out or go to the bathroom break yesterday when the going got tough? Its really only Nadal who continually does all the things he is accused of
I admit Fed takes the odd bathroom break,one was controversial but Davydenko didn't think it was tactical,but theres a big difference between going to the bathroom between sets and calling a MTO during which you're losing
I also dont agree with the cursing and other displays of anti social behaviour,but you really cant compare that with tactics that has a direct impact on the outcome of matches.
Ok,Im done preaching,you've begrudgingly admitted he is in the wrong and thats all I really wanted to hear you say,I think thats about as much as I'll get from you
posted on 5/8/12
If the rules allow you to take a MTO then you can hardly blame a player for taking them.
With regards the amount of time Rafa takes to serve, I believe that weak officiating has allowed this to creep into the game with both Rafa and Nole taking advantage of that the same way that weak officiating does naff all to clamp down on shrieking.
posted on 5/8/12
Jeez Veejay, you don't like using two sentences when 20 will suffice do you?
You are just going over old ground here that caused bad feeling in the first place. I've never said Rafa is a little angel and yes he does sometimes stretch the rules, but as you have admitted they all do to some extent. No, 2 wrongs don't make a right, but life sucks.
I really really don't want to get into an argument again. It will just end with you going on about my fantasies again, sexual and otherwise. I held out an olive branch and you chose to go into the same old rant so I will not be responding to you again, it's all been said before and I have better things to do than go over it all again. Settling down to watch what promise to be 2 great maches.
If anyone is interested in where this conversation will lead should we continue, just check out my article 'Wishing Rafa a speedy recovery' but I am sure everyone is as bored by this as I am.
posted on 5/8/12
Get in! He absolutely destroyed Federer, what a truly magnificent performance, well done Andy. Now finish the final part of my request! Pleeeeeease?
Reading some of the comments above proves what passionate people we have on these boards regarding Tennis. Everyone will have different opinions about other players. Come on, time to feel the love
Andy for SPOTY - once the USO is safely won!?
posted on 5/8/12
IF, Andy does win the mixed gold to add to the singles, i wonder if anyone will rate my article with a 5* ?
posted on 5/8/12
There you go Logie, and sorry that I needed a slight push from you to get my act together. Now put a smile back on that face and enjoy double gold for Britains superstar tennis player. Amazing we finally got one hey?
posted on 5/8/12
Cheers Maksi - nothing like of bit of self indulging
I will enjoy, i had the blasted 'parents in law' here for the last 30 mins of the match, they were driving me mad whilst i was trying to compose myself, it didn't work, the wife not happy now
I really am so proud of him!!