lets not forget Hector.
A man who in saying no prevented FIFA and UEFA getting involved, it could have got nasty after ranger won that court case.
And what about our own Peter Lawwell while certain people in the media earn did their best to fight THE RANGERS FOOTBALL CLUBS cause by scaremongering, seeing how many time they could get the word armageddon to tie in with tv deal.
Our very own Peter helped secure an £78 million contract, 13 million more than the last one, when the old rangers were involved.
As the new season start in the SPL
posted on 4/8/12
Spot on CH2012
Tries telling people that in the lead up to the the deal annoncement. All the what was being lost was on a deal that had never existed
posted on 4/8/12
Why did you keep a killie pie for 35 months?
Because its 1 month less than the 3 years you'll have to wait to get one.
posted on 4/8/12
You can buy killie pies at my local roll shop
35 months clatty bastirt
posted on 4/8/12
Ooor Peter has played a real blinder. And the reason the bears have him as a hate figure is because they know it.
posted on 4/8/12
Away in a dark corner of their minds I bet theres a wee thought lurking, " I wonder if Peter has a brother "
posted on 4/8/12
posted on 4/8/12
thought the chinese were strictly one child families?
posted on 4/8/12
Aye, the bold Peter. Sleekit Kant and the masses love him
posted on 4/8/12
Big Pete makes the bearz green with envy
posted on 4/8/12
Nah, he's an ugly bassa