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Fore-Arms and Creatine

Can anyone recommend some fore-arm exercises and how often I should do them?

I also have really skinny wrists so are there any exercises I can do for them (all jokes aside) or will they build up naturally with the regular fore-arm workouts?

I have been doing P90X for over 8 months and while I have dropped body-fat and gained definition everywhere else my fore-arms look really skinny.

Also, do people use creatine? I only started taking it recently but I really think its made a difference!

posted on 19/8/12

I started injecting ghrp6 about 2 months ago.

Got annihilated on here for suggesting it but cracked on anyway.

Also started taking bubble, (a one off) got home, couldn't sleep, had a bubble wa nk, forearms like popeye nowadays.

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 19/8/12


posted on 19/8/12

I was serious about the first bit.

The second part was hung over talk.

posted on 19/8/12

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comment by Diggler (U4142)

posted on 19/8/12

Cool vik, how often do you use them?

Also, Shinji injecting anything is stupid.

posted on 19/8/12

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comment by Diggler (U4142)

posted on 19/8/12

I just have the basic ones and would use them when watching tv or on the computer.

I just keep doing sets of 10 until Im bored

comment by Hodgey (U1271)

posted on 31/8/12

You have noticed a difference after taking creatine? Was going to buy some today but pussied out.

posted on 31/8/12

Yeah, it's definitely worth using. A lot of studies have confirmed both its safety and effectiveness

comment by Diggler (U4142)

posted on 31/8/12

Remember, Creatine is produced naturally in our bodies but not enough for intensive exercise which is why we supplement.

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