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Team GB - Just a thought

OK so the Olympics have come and gone, both Hope Powell and Stuart Peace have said it would be great to have a Team GB team in the Olympics. However both concede that it is unlikely due to the independence status of each nation.

OK now this may be way out there, some of you may even be offended if so, then I apologise I mean no offence to anyone.

You see I regard myself as British not English and that may be why I don't understand. But why not have a Team GB. Hell with it, lets unify into one independent football body instead of having four separate ones. It could be called BFA (British Football Association). Yes I agree that this is a big change, firstly we would need to have a massive restructure to accommodate all the Welsh, Scottish, Irish and English leagues together, but hey with Wales we are party their. Swansea and Cardiff to name a few already play in the English leagues. If I am not mistaken there is an English team playing in the Scottish league.

Why don't they all just forget about their independence status and combine as one. This can only have pluses for everyone involved.

1. The country will unite in one football team, and who is to say we can't have home nation tournaments like we use to as I have been told from my elders.

2. We as a whole will produce better football players for the future. Giggs and Bellamy have said the Olympics is a great stepping stone for youngsters in the game. Especially about tournament football. Something they both missed out on.

It will also showcase talents from other parts of the nation as currently only England end up at the world cup stage. So the likes Giggs and more recently upcoming Ramsey would be able to showcase their talents on the world stages. And this can only be a good thing, if for nothing else then for the experience of tournament football.

3. Money, as I can tell, a big issue may be funding, well lets look at the Scottish league. Before recent events of the demise of Rangers. Only two teams where dominating Scottish football. This cant be good for the SFA. What happen to competition. Competition is the only way to push forward and create stars of the future.

As I have been told by many Scotts, that their is so much potential in investments in some of the Scottish teams like Celtic, but the reason it never comes to fruition is the league they are in. Having all these play in a more competitive league would attract investors creating more money for the clubs, which in turn create better facilities which in turn create better players for the future.

4. Majority sports use GBR as their identity not their independent nation. Lets get football in-line with every other sports.

This is just an Idea but why not do this abolish the four nation independent in football and create one unified GB one instead. This is just my opinion and I can't see why not, unless you guys can think off or have any ideas. As far as I can tell its a win win situation, allowing for development of future stars and maybe help some of their less well of clubs to build a stepping stone to great success.

Before I leave ask yourself this... Why are Swansea and Cardiff in the English leagues and not in the Welsh ones?

posted on 20/8/12

There is already a European Cup version Jenners, the Nextgen series that we played in last season and are again this.

posted on 20/8/12

The Scottish and Welsh hate the English (aww bless!), so it would never happen.

Thank god!

posted on 20/8/12

I don't think it's a bad idea in terms of having a better team and stronger league, but too many people (myself included) consider themselves English, or Scottish, or Welsh, for it to happen.

The same could be said of Scandanavia in terms of making them more competitive, but it doesn't mean it will happen.

posted on 20/8/12

yeah i thought that righteous but was just wondering if the age thing is dif.

but the next gen is under 21 as well isnt it so , i probably got confused somewhere, sorry mate liquid lunch lol, there is another few brain cells i have probably killed

posted on 20/8/12

Next Gen is u19 actually, so I suppose there is a bit of a gap in the u21 market.

posted on 20/8/12

I don't care bout the team GB, this is the LFC board. Thank you.

posted on 20/8/12

we should keep the independent nations it's also part of football history, but i would have loved a british world cup bid were england, scotland and wales were to host.

posted on 20/8/12

Stupid idea in my opinion (not no offence meant ) team GB take part in the olympics but in the commonwealth, european and of I am not wrong the world championships its team England, Wales et al....
Rugby keeps there own national teams but if the took part in the olympics would also be team GB

comment by FSB (U11355)

posted on 20/8/12

It would need the consent of the FAs of all 4 nations. The FAs of Scotland and NI refused to be part of team GB for the Olympics on the basis that it could undermine their future right to compete as individual nations. As 2 of the 4 FAs are therefore clearly opposed to what you are suggesting I don't think its going to happen anytime soon.

I think that the likelihood

posted on 20/8/12

There's a very simple answer to this poser and it is that large aging egotistical men like to have as many dinners in European capitals as they can and suggesting that there should be less of them is very bad form indeed.

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