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Article Rating 3.67 Stars

Less of the Drama

Please stop the knee jerk articles about how bad we played/the team are!
1st game of the season, fellani was in awesome form and we lost 1-0 away...
Hardly reason to start aload of drama !!

Sir Alex has let loose his angry tongue and i'm sure we will be better next match !
Have faith in your team !!!!

Star as you wish !

posted on 21/8/12

Meh....no comment!

posted on 21/8/12

Some could also stay can we stop all the attempts at populist articles

If people think we played bad then shouldn't they say it on a football forum? Why criticise that as a knee-jerk reaction? Should people wait at least 2 weeks or something before commenting negatively on how your team played, but positive comments are OK immediately? I think you just need to accept some people will want to vent their frustrations soon after following a team/match they are/were passionate about. Some of those frustrations may be totally valid, some more emotional than accurate, but do we really want them stopped on here?

To me a knee jerk reaction to criticise, or call for less drama, is one where someone demands the manager is sacked after the loss of one game, or where we've lost one game and people claim we can't win the league on the basis of that one game, or RVP didnt score in 20minutes so that shows he was a waste of cash, but I'm seeing many of these.

You also say SAF has let loose his angry tongue and I'm sure we'll be better next match, so in that case perhaps one of the players should have stood up and said excuse me SAF but can you stop all the drama, you're having a knee jerk reaction.

posted on 21/8/12

correction - but im NOT seeing many of these..oops!

comment by Bruno (U1664)

posted on 21/8/12

Liverpool might be bottom of the league come saturday night

posted on 21/8/12

if i had 3 wishes, 1 would be used on dishin out a punch for anyone who says or types the word "meh".

posted on 21/8/12

I use eh? now and again, quite happy to be described as a young person and these days kind of grateful when I get asked for I.D

posted on 21/8/12

Was there something about football as well... can only see things improving really, it is a bad result and points dropped but it was against a good team and we had problems in our defence.

posted on 21/8/12

Popular article .... Meh !

All I'm tryin to do is stop the bloodthirsty hordes trying to find frankensteins monster to blame and burn !

posted on 21/8/12

Can't get any worse than played one lost one.

Yes, Everton away is a hard game, but City can do no worse than United did when it comes to that particular fixture. Well, unless it comes down to goal difference again!

But you're right, there's no need for knee-jerk reactions.

posted on 22/8/12

Agree OP. How many teams were in 'crisis' according to sections of the press after just one day of the season. United, Liverpool and Arsenal.

Begs the question, what is worse than a crisis?!

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