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Dips or Benchpress???

Used to do benching but found in my eagerness to get my reps in or to improve on last times performance my form wasn't the best.......

Also I seem to pressure myself by focusing too much on the benching and the reps I wanted..

Found that by dipping with weight and then hitting the incline bench...I can focus more on the muscle.. be less concerned with weight and really concentrate more on form....

noticed improvement to my pecs too!!!!

Anyone else swear by dips???? or are we all benching mad on here???

posted on 21/8/12

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posted on 22/8/12

You sound like me Mate...I get more out of dipping than normal benches..

comment by Hodgey (U1271)

posted on 25/8/12

I don't think I'm strong enough to do dips yet, but I haven't tried for ages. I swear by dumbbell bench press, love it. Don't be too concerned with the weight and just go as low as you can.

posted on 25/8/12

How much do you weigh Mate....

I'm heavy and can do them with weight....

Just give em a try....

comment by Hodgey (U1271)

posted on 25/8/12

164lb. I'm not entirely sure about the technique.

posted on 25/8/12

Make sure you lean forward rather than dip straight up...then you use all of your upper body and you're more likely to dip some out....

worth a go Mate!!

comment by Hodgey (U1271)

posted on 25/8/12

Is it basically the same as push ups?

posted on 27/10/12

Weighted dips are one of the best upper body exercise sizes around if you can master form.

They're a paradise for over-exertion and strains though. Best to start of with simply bodyweight dips as a warm up/before your teaching routine to get started.

The more you angle your body the more you either your shoulders or your pecs, so it takes some getting used to, to get the correct technique.

posted on 27/10/12

Benching routine*


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