Always liked the ultra-ripped aesthetic look that Zane brung to the sport....
However some prefer the massive slightly bloated coleman look...
Which is the look you prefer best..
Me I'm old-school..
Zane or Coleman ????
comment by DaStuDogg (U9291)
posted on 23/8/12
Definitely prefer the old-school.
It's hard, because there has to be an objective criteria, so as it is, bigger is better.
But I think in the eyes of most people, the likes of Arnold, Ferrigno, and Zane looked better than more contemporary champions.
Having said this, I prefer the look of some natural bodybuilders even more.
comment by Roxbury-blues (U15033)
posted on 23/8/12
I suppose guys like Zane are pretty close to natural...
We had a professional at our gym and wow the things he took....
Really is overkill these days..
comment by Hodgey (U1271)
posted on 25/8/12
I would never want to have to body of Coleman. It actually looks worse than disgusting.
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