How many times do you see guys with big top halves and weedy pins?? All the time in my gym!!
How many times do you see guys training a bodypart after legs????
Sorry but you shouldn't be able to train anything after should feel nearly sick with exhaustion!!!
The measure of a true Bodybuilder for me is the guy banging out lot's of quality Squats and hacks.....
I hate knowing I've got to train legs that day...but when I train them good!! There is no more feeling of gym satisfaction....Last night I Squatted 11 reps x 308....not bad for a 40 yr old.....Have done better in the past mind..
Sure you can Bench 300.....but for me..
leg training sorts the men from the boys!!!
Leg training - Sorts the Men from boys!!
posted on 25/8/12
posted on 25/8/12
308 pounds sorry..............................
posted on 25/8/12
Only ever done leg presses, but don't train my legs as they bulk up way too easy. Which makes running a pain.
Can leg press 10 reps of the full rack at the gym which is 240kg+. Also probably not great for my knees.
posted on 25/8/12
As long as you're focusing on form over how much you can squeeze out. Seen plenty of people lifting too much and putting all the weight on the wrong parts of their body and not being able to walk properly for a few days after.
posted on 25/8/12
You're right pride...form is very important......
I never ever go under 8 reps for anything....
posted on 26/8/12
Depends how demanding the bodypart training is afterwards.
I'm following a DC training template which entails doing a set of bicep and hammer curls after working quads, hamstrings, and calves.
Definitely my most draining workout though.
And 140kg is very impressive How low are you squatting?
posted on 26/8/12
I'm starting to incorporate leg workouts now. Did one yesterday and squatted 100kg, not bad considering I've worked them out about twice and I'm only 17. Disappointed with the lack of an ache this morning though, was a 45 minute workout.
posted on 27/8/12
Been training a long time Van...Take it from me you're not always going to have the same pain feeling the next day..
As long as they are pushed to failure and you feel short of breathe afterwards..
believe me you'll have done ok..
posted on 27/10/12
The main problem i ever cane across with legs is i would be feckered for work the next day. So could only do them weekends, where i played football.
Try doing 90 minutes after squatting the night before