Well, I've not quite quit marketing my bloggins, and wanted to give you the opportunity to berate my latest rusty offering.
Dust and cobwebs haven't been fully cleared from the brainbox, so please don't be too harsh on your critique, but I welcome comments and thoughts on the subject!
Click on the linkey-link below:
Karat Not the Stick
posted on 17/7/11
I realise it's merely a self-indulgent ego-trip, but that's what the interweb is all aboot!
posted on 17/7/11
I also welcome other fans from other boards comments too.
posted on 17/7/11
i'm sure it'll be soon posted in an individual article, but Andrew Neville has stated that we are seeking to bring in 3-4 new players with one joining us in Austria with the others still in negoitation.
I think there will be blood. My milkshake is over here...
posted on 17/7/11
I just had an image of Top slamming a bowling repeatedly onto Svens noggin'.
Sorry, should've said Spoiler alert.
posted on 17/7/11
More like Sven doing it to Keith Millen
posted on 18/7/11
Sven Drank His Milkshake.