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Afternoon people, this is my first proper article on this site….

There are two issues I want to raise here regarding agents.

1. What do they actually do in football, and other sports for that matter? Because from all I can see, they only have two roles to play; contract renewal negotiations and dealing with player transfers. Both of these matters are fairly infrequent for the average player so what do agents spend the rest of their time doing? How many ‘clients’ does the average agent have? Paul Scholes is known for not having an agent but why is he one of so few?

2. Why are they even needed in football? Most people in all other walks of life have no need for an agent, negotiations on salary are done by the individual and not someone acting on their behalf. The only time I can see any overlap is if you were to look to move job and might go to a recruitment agency, however even in this case, the recruitment agency will only put you in touch with your perspective employer, the rest is again down to the individual.

Why, therefore do football players pay agents vast sums of money to deal with something most other people will deal with on their own?

posted on 30/8/12

Have you not seen Jerry Maguire? They are more or less like that

posted on 30/8/12

They can be helpful at a young age if you do have interest from clubs or a pro contract, like making sure you don't get screwed over and helping you understand what it's like.

But after that, I don't really see the point. Once you're mid twenty's, you must have done it enough to not need them any more.

posted on 30/8/12

They deal with other things like sponsorship, adverts and things, what tv or interview appearanced they should make.
Other than that they're just like Lynn from Alan Partridge.

posted on 30/8/12

"Paul Scholes is known for not having an agent but why is he one of so few?"

I suspect, because most footballers can't spell 'contract'.

"Most people in all other walks of life have no need for an agent"

Not entirely true - do you do your own taxes? did you sell your house directly? did you arrange your insurance directly? Many people use agents, or middlemen, every day, often without even realising it.

It's quite comical really, and a significant part of the UK's economy.

Essentially, you're right though, there is no real *need* for them to exist most of the time - they often present a simple task as complicated, just to maintain control and make some money. Talentless weasels on the whole.

posted on 30/8/12

I'd agree that they are probably quite handy to have when first starting out as a player but after that will simply try to make as much money as possible through any means necessary.

Arsenal appear to have been hit by this a lot recently.

posted on 30/8/12

They often sell cigarettes in their shops and they are sometimes sent to other countries to kill people and blow stuff up.

posted on 30/8/12

They often sell cigarettes in their shops and they are sometimes sent to other countries to kill people and blow stuff up.

posted on 30/8/12

Welcome to the site

I agree that agents are a bane on the game and on the world in general. Anything that doesn't require a special qualification should be done directly by the person requiring it. I'd go that way - it saves money, builds experience and generally keeps you in control of your own life.

Think how much richer you might be if you didn't have to shell out ten percent of your take to some money-grabbing harpy who otherwise doesn't know you're alive.

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