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The Rise and Fall of Marouane Chamakh

When this man arrived in summer 2010 we all thought great 6ft 2in, good in the air, a man who we were interested in the season before was joining us - for free!

We all knew he was never a prolific goalscorer by any means but we assumed under the 'Arsenal system' he would vastly improve.

And so he did, or so it seemed initially, scoring 10 goals in his first 17 appearances. However, soon after, a man who these days is loathed on the Arsenal board, returned from injury to reclaim his place in the side and relegate Chamakh to the sidelines; shattering his confidence.

Fast forward almost 2 years and his early form was never rediscovered, look at him today and you still see an intelligent man, an accountant and keen chess player afterall, but a shadow of what he was as a footballer and what he could've been, quite a shame really.

Yet here he is still at a club, with RVP gone, Vela gone and Bendtner out on loan he finds himself once again as the back-up striker should either one of Giroud or Podolski become injured; perhaps Arsene thinks there is one last throw of the dice left for the once hailed Moroccan International or his praying the others don't get injured, only time will tell.

posted on 4/9/12

Chamakh is an awful awful player. We should have kept Bendtner as he is at least capable of a good performance.

posted on 4/9/12

Well i thought too we should've kept Bendtner as backup if we were bringing no-one else in and sent Chamakh out on loan, but it seems Bendtner wasn't very keen being on the bench, which ironically he might be doing at Juventus

posted on 4/9/12

Chamakh has diabetic Malaria.

Thats why its even more hilarious that we didn't buy a striker!

posted on 4/9/12

The only reason Chamakh stayed is because he would have to take a massive pay cut to go elsewhere, he'd rather sit on the bench and rake in the cash...

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