Who uses twitter on here, who do you follow, and more importantly.......
I just cannot get my head round it at all. I just tend to look at the home page and try to work it out from there.
posted on 7/9/12
What is this following you speak of? All I see is random comments from half way through a convo and can't figure out how to see the whole thing.
posted on 7/9/12
Ah, the follow button. Got it
posted on 7/9/12
Rossco's a twitter addict already
posted on 7/9/12
Never tweeted in my life, but use it follow bands, news & sport, my fav tweeter by far is guy:
posted on 7/9/12
I wonder how Rossco finds time to train with the time he spends tweeting?
posted on 7/9/12
wildrover, it is good if u follow players etc. However one could also say its helps the powers that be figure out your daily routines. NWO etc
posted on 7/9/12
You can follow me @OriginalKoppite
That's a joke btw
posted on 7/9/12
just as cars did for playing footy in the back streets
twitter has done for cissie and ada on the front steps
posted on 7/9/12
You just have to fumble around in there until you get used to it. Took me a while. Hash tag all your interesting tweet words such as ' #LeedsUnited #Batesout ' etc and people will find you.
posted on 8/9/12
I ain't on it, I personally see it as something for people who can't shut up or celebraties who want attention.
what summed the thing up for me was when peacock took the 100 metres and C4 instantly started reading out tweets.
Why the hell should I care what Gary Lineaker thinks about it and what the hell does his tweet have to do with anything that has happened.
Nothing, just a celebrity trying to cash in on the fame of otuers