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Is this what a man u ambassador actually does?

posted on 18/7/11


It is nearly midnight and you are still going on about this.

Now as you are still up, tell me, who do you think SAF might have loaned players to, that was from an illegally bought club?

In fact is there any evidence of an illegally bought club at all?

as ever I look forward to your reply


posted on 18/7/11


Anybody can dig up dirt about players and managers past and present. Some of those actions were isolated incidents that happened a matter of decades ago. Do us a favour and stop acting as if everyone's a lowlife just because they've done something morally wrong at some point with United.

comment by jloo78 (U7266)

posted on 18/7/11

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posted on 18/7/11

BillyBobTaunton (U4886)

what a suprise

scandal is referred to alongside man utd and your all over it

still hiding the bitter liverpool fan inside? your attempts to be neutral and calm don't fool anyone. we all know your a scouser from back in the 606 days

If this was about wigan i assume you would be passionately debating this matter on their board?

didn't think so, your just a common wum

posted on 18/7/11

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comment by Elvis (U7425)

posted on 19/7/11


We can all name past players and staff members that have done stuff that is morally wrong from different teams. Off the top of my head I can think of Gerrard, Carra and Grob from Liverpool. I'm sure if I took longer then I'd come up with more.

posted on 19/7/11


Just because they've done bad things does not make them all bad people. I can assure you that nobody in society has ever lived a life without committing some morally wrong actions along the way. Humans make mistakes, but it doesn't mean they all had malicious intentions, nor that they're morally bankrupt. I'm sure there have been unpleasant individuals at Man United before, but no more than at any other club, so unless you can show how there's anything more than an isolated minority of such individuals, then lose this black-and-white they're-all-horrible mentality.

comment by jloo78 (U7266)

posted on 19/7/11

It was written as a joke, so calm yourselves down.

posted on 19/7/11

Andy Suarez,

Please read my comment again, I expressed doubt as to whether or not it was Billybob, but I did not esay he was an imposter. He seems more like his normal self in other threads, so I've decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. If you're going to raise such a tedious objection to something I wrote, at least quote me properly.

posted on 19/7/11


So that was a joke? That was really obvious then, wasn't it! Impossible to confuse with a petty snark against the club.

Can you tell me what the punchline was?

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