Big Charlie vindicated again. The predetermined result of the EBT for all to see
Time for heads to roll at the SPL & SFA. They are an utter disgrace
Proof - EBT punishment predetermined
posted on 22/9/12
posted on 22/9/12
Fuc.kin fitba. This isnae a sports forum I'll have you know!!
posted on 22/9/12
Fack is that me on the wrang forum again talking fitba,what ma like.
posted on 22/9/12
A thought ah wiz on the Hammer House of Horrors fckn website
Feckin zombies,ghosts,monsters
Like a day oot at Tussauds ffs
posted on 22/9/12
I will take the barbs and flak
Justice and Truth will out
BDO - Liquidators
RFC - About to go into the grinder
C. Green - Purchased old RFC trophies as assets
UEFA - No new clubs in their competitions for 3 years
Ah cannae make it any clearer than that, berz.
posted on 22/9/12
Alive and kickiiiiiiiiiiin
posted on 22/9/12
Tim lives in a world where business lawyers and laws of the land don't apply. Welcome to planet bhitter Celtic fan.
posted on 22/9/12
I live in a world where things like liquidation actually mean 'liquidation'.
Charles 'the history is gone without a CVA' Green is your new hero.
The man's as consistent as diarrohea.
And youse lap it up. Just like youse lapped up a certain bug-eyed billionaire.
'Look into my brogues, into my brogues, not around the brogues, look into my brogues'
Oh, and at your delusion.
posted on 22/9/12
Right, I'm aff for the day.
Never fear berz, I have to work on the Sabbath this week, so I'll be back tomorrow again with the Truth
posted on 22/9/12
Tim you don't understand what a newco is. You don't understand what liquidators do, you don't understand what happened to Rangers. You don't comprehend Business restructuring or business lawyers unless it fits your twisted 'wrong' view of reality.
Truth = P@sh in your case.