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Insomnia from pre workout

Ok basically I done a session of shoulders n bis at the gym today at around 5.30,I took a pre workout called no explode for the 1st time,I noticed massive gains.But now its 1.30 and I can't seem to fall asleep.I never went over the recommended intake,so not suire,1 things for sure I won't be taking it again.

posted on 26/9/12

Did you consume any other caffeine throughout the day?

Try reducing the dose.

posted on 26/9/12

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posted on 26/9/12

^I'd probably try going lower in the dose. That way you make the bottle last longer!

comment by Shugs (U14253)

posted on 29/9/12

Might be just from using it for the first time... No Xplode is a pretty mild pwo compared to some. The caffeine content would be the main stimulant in it that would prevent sleep in any big way... could be just a case of getting used to it.

posted on 29/9/12

Amino Energy is awesome. I don't know how to explain it but you get this "clean" energy, ie:you don't feel as if your heart is about to explode. Tastes great and you get a great workout.

Try it, btw do companies in the uk give free sample if you ask nicely. I know some in the states do.

posted on 27/10/12

I have taken NO explode before. Those massive gains don't last, it is just muscle volumisation.

These kind of supplements are basically like taking 3 redbulls. I used to be hooked on a similar product called "black powder". NO products are great pre-workout but sleep patterns are a big side effect. Drinking alcohol is also a very stupid idea if taking them.

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