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Would you want RDM to experiment the above combo in the pivot on tuesday? I would love that, but, we are yet to stamp our feet in our UCL group. We should possibly use our strongest squad against Noverjenson (you can help out).
What dou you think?

posted on 1/10/12

- Cech
- Azpi, Cahill, Terry, Bertrand
- Romeu, Lampard
- Moses, Hazard, Marin
- Sturridge

That team should be good enough to get a result, but if they find it difficult we can always bring on the big guns

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 1/10/12

Agree with Charlag.

Lampard will play on Tuesday having been rested for the last two games.

Lampard - Romeu would be a good combo for the game on Tuesday as it will give Mikel a rest.

posted on 1/10/12

Would go like this for Nordsjaelland:

Azpilicueta - Cahill - Terry - Bertrand
Romeu - Lampard
Oscar - Mata - Marin

I would like Moses to be given a go upfront, Sturridge can come on as a sub(considering he's just comeback from injury). Torres can't continue to start/play every single match, rotation needs to happen up top(especially against weak opposition).

posted on 1/10/12

Stupid idea to experiment in a must win game though tbh.

Torres don't need rest, as he said he barely played last season so he is as fresh as ever

posted on 1/10/12

Never knew we were playing a CL elite...

posted on 1/10/12

Stupid Idea not to rest/rotate Torres against weak opposition especially as he is our number 1 CF until January(at least).

posted on 1/10/12

That team more than strong enough to beat Nords.

posted on 1/10/12

Torres will suffer burnout like Mata, only player to start every game so far

posted on 1/10/12

I have a feeling we will go with this team:
Azpilicueta, Cahill, Luiz, Bertrand
Romeu, Lampard
Moses, Oscar, Marin
Subs: Turnbull, Ferreira, Ivanovich, Mikel, Hazard, Mata and Torres

posted on 1/10/12

Sturridge not travelled with the squad. Injured.

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