i'll start
Man U (H) 2-0 win
Man U (A) 2-2 draw
Chelsea (H) 2-1 win
Chelsea (A) 1-0 lose
Man C (H) 3-1 win
Man C (A) 2-1 lose
Arsenal (H) 3-0 win
Arsenal (A) 1-1 draw
Spurs (H) 2-1 win
Spurs (A) 2-2 draw
i think thats about right with the additions we've made to our squad.
Results Against The Top 5 This Season?
posted on 20/7/11
If it's 1932 it was probably Hitler to Hindenburg. But Robbing_Hoody in goal may have confused history.
posted on 20/7/11
It did and I'm just off to change wiki to reflect that.
posted on 20/7/11
posted on 20/7/11
posted on 20/7/11
Wums done over
posted on 21/7/11
by kop101- Salted Nuts In One Hand, Remote In Other, Slammed In The Couch, T.V On, Set For 3 o'clock (U8734)
Man U (H) 2-0 win
Man U (A) 2-2 draw
Chelsea (H) 2-1 win
Chelsea (A) 1-0 lose
Man C (H) 3-1 win
Man C (A) 2-1 lose
Arsenal (H) 3-0 win
Arsenal (A) 1-1 draw
Spurs (H) 2-1 win
Spurs (A) 2-2 draw
To be fair I don't think you're too far off the mark, It's only logical that taking into account we have strengthened our team that there will be an improvement in results against the other 5.
I'd say
Man U (H) win
Man U (A) lose/maybe a draw if we're lucky.
Chelsea (H) win
Chelsea (A) win
Man C (H) win
Man C (A) lose
Arsenal (H) draw
Arsenal (A) draw
Spurs (H) win
Spurs (A) lose
I don't think we'll lose at home against any of them this season, but I don't think we'll get too much joy against Arsenal or Spurs away, we never do so why should that chance this year. City are only going to strengthen. I believe the results will come against Chelsea, there might be a bit of a Torres factor in the minds of the players and the united game will be predictably unpredictable yet I think we will edge it at home.
All in all it's gearing up to be an interesting season
posted on 21/7/11
Jeeez, It's Groundhog Day.
posted on 21/7/11
When we've gone, you can start again.
subconsciously I was joking. I think.
posted on 21/7/11
I'm not doing this all over again. You win.
posted on 21/7/11
Thank you, Sir. It was a pleasure doing battle with you.