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Friday Night

Well what can I say, after work I had to suffer my daughters 10th Birthday party with our house completely took over by 9-10 year olds having Screaming Competitions, "Blind n seek", "stick the bone on the skeleton" & amonst others, so I had to Sky+ the game, after the mayhem was over & the subsequent tidy up shortly before 8:30 I made the trip to Morrisons to pick up some well earned beverages for myself and esp the wife who had worked so hard on the party. After handing over the dosh for the booze one of the women came over and started mensioning somat about Wednesday to the lady that served me, to which I said, "No no, Dont go any further I got it on Sky+ as we speak, dont tell me the score!!!"

Upon my return, out came the booze, kicked up mi feet whilst the wife conducted her business on E bay via lap top, and I at last tuned into the game. I have to say I was very impressed with our new Irish lad Corry, he looked composed and played some neat passes, very impressed with him so if Barkley dosnt come back then at least we have this lad to call upon. Bothroyd for me had a decent game too, whilst he is not a winger, he does have good feet and is always looking to make passes to COG and does get in the game more when out wide, though i still have reservations about him he did have a good game and my opinion will change if there are more performances like that to come. We played some cracking stuff at times and our build up play deserved one or two more goals.

Regarding Luciano "Maradonna" Becchio on another day he would have got the card and we would have got the penalty...but, and some may blast me for this, Im not blaming the referee or the linesman as BOTH of their views were restricted by players so I think it was pure bad luck on our part...but great luck for Leeds and especially Becchio, like I said on another day!!

Now for the Leeds goal, hate to say it but it was a great strike by Tonge and for once nobody was at fault, defensively we were sound all night and Kirkland didnt have as much to do compared to Kenny. But as we all know what immediately followed the goal was an act of Lunacy & Mindless actions by one c0ward ice individual, the hatred on his face was plain for all to see, did he really think he would get away with this? I mean the game was on Sky Sports and the camera even managed to follow him back to his seat, and another thing how did this individual get past the stewards before and after the attack? The mind boggles at how some peoples minds work, there were kids in the crowd too and that will either teach them to become just like this individual or it would scare them when they see first hand at how e vil some people in this world can be towards others, and as for the chanting from both ends, the abuse directed towards Dave Jones over stepped the mark, he was wrongfully accused of a crime so low and was proven innocent, it was 12 years ago and it was a chapter in his life that still haunts him to this day, also with him facing trial also cost him the life of his father whom he was close to. And chants of apparent support to a certain Jimmy Saville (if only there was one "l" in his surname, it would be very apt)also epitimised how some of the Leeds fans are, yes there are the majority who are genuine. Also we are no innocents either, the chants about the two leeds fans that were murd ered in cold blood is low too and if we ever knew who chanted those things we WOULD make sure they never stepped foot in our ground again.

It was such a shame that such a great and wholehearted game of football and a fantastic performance by the MASSIVE had to be ruined by one brain dea d thug and by fans, on both sides, chanting such terrible things towards one another, im all for good rivaled banter et al but chants of this magnitude somehow has to stop. Football should remain a game to enjoy watching and to support your team and not an excuse for mind less individuals to lash out at others and ruin everything for genuine people who pay good money to see thier respective teams turn out!!


posted on 22/10/12

BTW, It took me nearly 20 mins to get this posted as certain words that I wanted to use for the last two paragraphs had to be removed so appologies if it sounds too "freindly" towards the toohat and other fans that made those afore mentioned chants!!

posted on 22/10/12

Im still in shock at what I saw on Friday night and I have to admit that I was really upset about it.

My Dad lives in Leeds (has done for years) so I go up there alot after the games. I come to our games from Coventry so usually drive up, watch the MASSIVE and then continue up the M1 afterwards to go see the old man and my Girlfiend who lives in the city centre. I felt sick driving up there on friday night, I just didnt want to be anywhere near the place. I was ashamed.

The lunatic who hit Kirkland was absolutely shocking but the behaviour of a large sum of the Leeds fans (not all) but a large sum was disgusting. Chants about Turkey are a disgrace but unfortunately, their chants in general encourage this type of thing. Im not, absolutely NOT saying that Turkey chants should ever be used but when you have 4000 fans calling DJ a peodo and chanting "you killed the 96" its hardly surprising that some opposition fans will use everything they can think of to lash back.

We have had plenty of press about vile chants lately between Man U and Liverpool fans. These chants have been complained about and authoritise have tried to deal with them. Unfortunately the Leeds fans couldnt do this. Their way of dealing with it is destroying the away end of the stadium and this is the type of 'animal' behavior Dave Jones speaks about. He is wrong to brand all their supporters the same but Leeds just seem to have far more of these mindless thugs than anyone else.

I got talking to a guy in Timpsons (getting my watch repaired) and he asked if I saw the game. When I told him I was a wednesday fan and was there you could literally see the shame hit him. His exact words "oh really, oh, well, seriously, on behalf of the Leeds fans mate I just want to say sorry for what happened, we're not all like that". I felt so sorry for the poor bloke and I said I knew plenty of Leeds fans and all were genuine supporters who are not like some who were there Friday.

It was a sad day for football and a very sad day for Leeds United but something has to be done. I dont think Il be going to Elland Road

posted on 22/10/12

Same here, my dads a Leeds fan and so's one of his good mates, but they both strongly condemed what happened and both said they feel ashamed to be fans of LUFC and I stongly believe that the majority ARE genuine, my best mates dad and younger brother are both Leeds fans and they are the most genuine blokes you could meet and they go to every game, not heard owt from them but I'll bet they are both embarrassed that the club they love has had its name yet again tarnished by sick, vile and stupid individuals whose sole purpose in life is to act out what they get a kick from and ruin things for others, nothing more nothing less.

I remember about 13 years back me and my best mate (who's a Chelsea fan) went to watch them play Forest (the season Forest went down) at city ground and before the game we went into a pub only to be met at the door by a bloke who asked who we supported, to which we instinctively said "neither" we just goin for a drink, he let us in but then a table in there was full of blokes bragging off about how they smashed this guys face in, broke his leg et al, then a couple of others were on their phones arranging meeting places...at that point we swigged our drinks quick and left, we was only 17 at the time and was pretty sh 1t scared to say the least, thats the 1st (and hopefully last) experience ive had with mind less s c um such as them!!

posted on 22/10/12

Why do you feel it necessary to explain your presence in Timpson's?

posted on 22/10/12

Just read a post from someone on Sky Sports witch sickened me

"the so called Leeds fans that were over in the west stand who kicked down the advertising board which fell onto the Leeds fans below and narrowly avoiding a small child who spent the rest of the match crying in his dads arms, need to take a long hard look at themselves"

This just proves how sick, stupid and mindless these idiots are, someone nad even a small child could have been killed. If that was my lad i'd be doing time right now, poor little lad was probably enjoying the game and then then that...SICKENING

posted on 22/10/12

Great post Milan!!! I missed the game due to it being on in the middle of the day over here and work had to be done but as soon as I saw the video on YouTube I was appalled but not really surprised!?,

Leeds have a reputation and this attracts these brainless idiots, it is unfortunate for the majority but at some point they have to stand up for themselves!! How many Leeds fans did he pass on his way to his seat and not one did anything.

Also if the numpties we have who sit in the Leppings Lane end of North Stand don't tone it down then we too will end up in trouble as well. The chanting has always been there, but after the Hillsborough tragedy it seemed to become less prevalent at S6, maybe it takes incidents like this to stop it again.

On the whole a bad night for football.

posted on 22/10/12

I don't know izzy but Im guessing that explaining my explanation would be even crazier

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