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10 million is an insult

What on earth is Wenger playing at !!???!!! Last season Arsenal made a 12m bid for jags which was turned down. The player has stated he does not want to leave and is happy and the club have said he is not a player we are looking to offload as he is a very important part of our squad.

Move on another half year odd and Wenger, despite knowing all this, decides that a second bid is needed, and to do the job he will make it 2 million quid lower even though the player has signed a 4 year deal with the club and has had his England reputation enhanced too.

I mean, i know Wenger is tighter than a ducks butt and several layers of cobwebs had to be removed just to sign Gervinho but this is just plain insulting.

Im glad the club have dismissed this pathetic offer out of hand and if i were an Arsenal fan i would be pretty annoyed at the way thier manager is going about it. Everyone and thier wives knew this 'offer' would be turned down so why make it.

Ok, if the offer had been a few million higher say at 16m then it has to be taken seriousley and so does Wengers intent and even at that price i wouldnt want Moyes to sell but it would have to be considered at least but he didnt do that. Instead he is just annoying us and probabley his own too.

A fair few Arsenal fans are waking up to Wengers biggest flaw now and are desperate for him to spend but even the hardest nosed Arsenal fan must be a little embarressed by thier gaffer on this one.

Put up or shut up Wenger !!! A genius manager ruinning his own reputation.

posted on 22/7/11

JH would be perfect for arsenal. Reads the game very well and boy can he pick a pass. Would let Wenger have him for £15m

comment by John1 (U3530)

posted on 22/7/11

£20 million for a 29 year old midtable CB?

LOL Hes a good defender but he hasn played regular for the Inernational side or played in europe and hes 29 lol

£10-15 million would be great for Everton especially for a guy whos 29.

Wenger isnt doing the deal LOL Ivan gazidis is!

Wenger is the manager he tells the board which players to go for gazidis decides how much!

posted on 22/7/11

"Put up or shut up Wenger !!! A genius manager ruinning his own reputation."

Shut up about what? He hasn't confirmed we made a bid for him, in fact he hasn't even spoke about him. Have you forgotten that the source for our reported bid is Sky? The same source that said we were in for Downing (both Villa and Arsenal denied this).

posted on 22/7/11

This is wenger who made a £12m bid for xabi alonso.

posted on 22/7/11

Funny thing is that clown Lafa only wanted £14M for him. Why Wenger why?!?!?

posted on 22/7/11

He has been banging on about market value and that he wont pay over the odds for a player. He has been told that 12 million isnt enough so why make the 10 million bid ???

A manager speaks volumes by the way he conducts himself in the transfer market and making this second 'offer' smacks of either desperation or just complete disregard to Evertons valuation and the current feelings of Arsenal fans wishing him to spend.

So, put up or shut up.

What he values a player at is not the set standered of what a player is valued at. If this is now how Wenger is going about his dealings then i really feel for Arsenal fans right now. Fabregas is leaving, Nasri wants out, Denilson is going and the answer to all of this is to make a woefull offer well under a previous offer that was dismissed out of hand.

posted on 22/7/11

Ahhh...just like the good'ol'days

posted on 22/7/11

I bet Bill and the banks will force the sale through

posted on 22/7/11

Sir Gibby you just seem plain angry for no reason if you ask me. I have already explained to you that neither Arsenal or Everton have confirmed this bid was made or even made a comment on the matter. The fact that you are willing to go into some tear filled rant over Sky Sources say more about you than it does Wenger.

posted on 23/7/11

Its a poor way of attempting to unsettle a settled player which yes, has annoyed me. As for my tear filled rant, ermmmm no.
I can put a sentence together that can actually convey a view without any wummery involved and do it well. You may not agree with the words i say and thats fine as its the whole point of these boards but now your getting all teary eyed too over my rant !!! and i was backing and being nice about the Arsenal fans too !!!

B Minus, good effort but must go that bit extra to get the better of me.

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