I was finishing my chest workout on the cable machines doing some high then low cable flys (with slightly dodgy form as I was going for a pb). Ladies on the mat area were checking out the flying no joke.
Anyway, finished up and I normally finish chest with some push ups but I saw some geezer on the net doing these throws with a weighted ball (you lie on a mat and chuck the ball up and catch it......apparently that finishes a chest workout nicely).
I go over to the mat area, grab a ball and lie down. I started throwing it up and after 3 reps I realised this exercise is complete detritus, literally the ball was going all over the show not working chest at all. But, as previously stated, there were a lot of chicks around looking.
So...............I carried on and completed 2 sets ( the ball nearly hit me in the face on the second set ) and left rubbing my chest as if it was the best exercise ever.
Serious gym story (this morning)
posted on 27/10/12
Hmmmm i think im gonna report you to the admins 4 promoting a dangerous and placebo-esque exercise... wait here whilst i go tell ok!
posted on 27/10/12
Gibsy21(formally Mike) (U15513)
"dangerous" really????? Tell me (serious). I've always felt on the cable machine there is less pressure on my rc and shoulder in general. It feels pretty tight to me.
posted on 27/10/12
50P i visited a new gym in leeds city centre, left after 30 mins due to "trendies" walking around in ultra small tank tops exhibiting their gear induced back acne. Does my head in guys!!!!!!! arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
someone hold me!
posted on 27/10/12
50P-61 never again! (U1147)
I always feel scared of getting tetanus from ghetto gyms (serious).
posted on 27/10/12
The rotator cuff is a thing ppl regulary mess with (lat pull downs behind the neck!)
On a serious note,i have long arms so cables feel to gravity assisted for me!
posted on 27/10/12
Nah singh, Ghetto gyms make u want to improve, as u see these BEASTS every time u go and you see them use correct form and just act accomplished.
posted on 27/10/12
Gibsy21, trust me. These guys take no ****, when it comes to working out. They're in the gym everyday working hard.
Singh, na the guys are friendly tbh, they help you improve form if they think you're not doing it right and give good tips. You don't wanna be on their wrong side anyway.
posted on 27/10/12
50p if they are the high end of 19 stone and walking around at 5% bodyfat then u can rest assured
that they are juicin!
posted on 27/10/12
^So, so, so, true!!!
posted on 27/10/12
Most of them are Gibsy, its a known fact around the gym.