Following the threat of legal action by the Society of Black Lawyers, the club has responded in defence of it's fans stating that the chant is a "defence mechanism". As a Spurs supporter of many years standing (from the early 60's), I have to say that the Y chant wasn't something that had to be used when I first started supporting the team as a boy. I understand that other teams "fans" come to the lane and take part in malicious chanting (hissing etc), but isn't it time we stopped responding with the Y chant and relied on the authorities to sort the problem out?
posted on 8/11/12
OFFENSIVE to them, perhaps.
But racially offensive ?? I await the expert opinion of U15980 ...
posted on 8/11/12
comment by The RDBD (resigned to supporting the team managed by Pep Guardiola) (U1062)
posted 50 minutes ago
OFFENSIVE to them, perhaps.
But racially offensive ?? I await the expert opinion of U15980 ...
The fact that you fail to see the racial connotation equaled with obvious intent attached to the chants leads me to the only opinion that can be drawn ..............You're a thick
posted on 8/11/12
No pal, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that you're too thick to be able to comprehend, yet alone answer the question.
We're done.
Move along, (like your intelligence) there's nothing to see here.
posted on 8/11/12
posted on 8/11/12
No pal, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that you're too thick to be able to comprehend, yet alone answer the question.
Stop yapping puppy <big smile>
posted on 8/11/12
Again :
Move along, (like your intelligence) there's nothing to see here.
posted on 8/11/12
Roll over, beg.................goooooooood boy !
posted on 8/11/12
Chaz.. you spelt your name wrong
posted on 8/11/12
Is that reeto still going ??
And does his dad wash elephants/armidillos/Skippy ??
posted on 8/11/12
his dad washes him i think