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Ive seen a fair few people (not just on here) dismissing peoples points on fitness as "bro-science". I only came across this term recently but a lot of those points agree with what I myself have been doing.

I had never worked out, never played much sports, was always "skinny-fat" until 10/11 months ago when I started getting into my fitness. My main source of info was teamripped.com as the guys results were phenomenal and I was using the Beachbody workouts.

I laugh when people go on about backing up their claims with medical or scientific proof as I have better proof than any documents - me. Does it help me prove any of my points, no but I see the difference every day and family and friends ask me about tips on diet/nutrition all the time.

I guess the point of this article is that everybody is different but people should keep an open mind and do what works for them. Dont be afraid to try new things as variety is one of the keys.

Good luck!

posted on 11/11/12

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posted on 11/11/12

I don't think anyone disagrees that some of the seemingly outdated 'broscience' will yield results; just that in many cases, there seems to be no genuine evidence that these guidelines are optimal and/or necessary.

Eating 6 meals a day, as was the doctrine for years in the bodybuilding world, isn't likely to hinder your results - I gained huge amounts of muscle whilst doing so. But the point is that it isn't necessary.
I've saved myself a huge amount of time by not eating so frequently, and my results don't seem to have been hindered at all.

I think the key to doing well in bodybuilding is to find a system that you can stick to; if eating 'clean' and 6 times a day works well for you, as an example, then by all means do it. What science has done is opened up a much wider range of paths from which to choose, which has made living such a healthy lifestyle more accessible to a larger spread of people.
For me, this can only be a good thing

comment by Diggler (U4142)

posted on 11/11/12

What I was saying was that some of these ideas worked for me but I really had to implement them properly ie with nutrition, at the start I was just "eating healthy", then I started tracking calories and I saw I was way-over eating.

Then I started working on the macros getting my 50% protein and I just seemed to lose fat faster and faster.

posted on 12/11/12

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posted on 12/11/12

Hippo very true, training is a very subjective thing! One mans. Key reacts differently to another!

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