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I don't care if we didn't deserved to win

I just want to win!!!! Ugly or not!

How many times over the years have Man Utd not deserved to win a game but they win, or Chelsea in the CL last year, but when it comes to Arsenal us fans we are like ' we played poor so we don't deserve to win' but how many times have we played fantastic and lost?

I didn't see the penalty yesterday but was shocked that a few of our own fans said that it wasn't a penalty anyway so justice served (that Arteta missed). No it wasn't because if you balance up the amount of decisions for us to against us we don't get many going our way at all!

Yeh, we are a bit more balanced than most fans from other teams of being fair on decisions but let's not always expect us to play our best, I just want the team to fight to win.

We are not cut throat enough, from the manager, the players and to the fans! I'm not saying to be dishonest or unfair, but I rather we win ugly than not win at all!

posted on 11/11/12

The bottom line is, if you're conceding 3 goals at home, you don't deserve to win, end of...

Fulham look decent under Jol, they deserve credit! But Arsenal deserved a point, 3 would have been nice. No complaints about the result though, just the performance as a collective defensive unit.

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 11/11/12

yeah a lot of people saying we didn't deserve it so they didn't care about the pen winning is all that matters, couldn't care less if we deserve it or not.

posted on 11/11/12

Well we didn't win so we aren't good enough, simple as that.

posted on 11/11/12

So I assume that none of you were berating Chelsea for 'winning ugly' in the CL against Baca and Barren?

posted on 11/11/12

"...not always expect us to play our best, I just want the team to fight to win"

We deserve nothing because we are not even fight for a win. The only ones who wanted to win yesterday were Theo and OG. The others give up after the Fulham's penalty.

posted on 11/11/12

Gunnerthru - that is the difference between Man U and Arsenal, we are a bunch of pansies who never learn from mistakes!

So I assume that none of you were berating Chelsea for 'winning ugly' in the CL against Baca and Barren?
Course most were, they didn't deserve it but does it matter? They wanted it more and won, the history books won't say how lucky Chelsea were but that they were the 1st London club to win it!

posted on 11/11/12

Wtf did my phone do to those names?!

It's just a tad hypocritical to now say that winning is all that matters, no?

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 11/11/12

winning is all that matters... Chelsea completely fluked it. that's not berating you it's just fact. but you won the trophy so that's all that counts.

posted on 11/11/12

The bottom line is, if you're conceding 3 goals at home, you don't deserve to win, end of...
My point was that it's not about deserving to win or not, I just want to win. As gunnerthru said the players don't seem to give a hoot about winning, and are not fighting for it.

posted on 11/11/12

It's just a tad hypocritical to now say that winning is all that matters, no?
How is it hypocritical?
Chelsea were lucky, so were Arsenal when we beat Barca at home, but with both those games was that they fought! They created the lucky, they wanted it!

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want Arsenal to play like Chelsea did, especially for the whole season but you have to grind out results sometimes and create your own luck!

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